>Chapter 7<

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I'm trying my best to update!



Midoriya Pov:

I woke up in a white room. This must be the infirmary, right? I looked at the clock, and... It's late afternoon already? "Are you awake?" the sudden voice made me sit up immediately. I quickly looked around, meeting eyes with (Y/N). Wait... what's she doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked more calm than normally. She smiled at me, answering: "I was worried for you, dummy. Why else would I be here?" I smiled a little, a blush creeping onto my face. She's worried about me? A warm feeling rose within my chest as she asked: "So? How are you feeling?" "I'm feeling better now." "Be sure to come tomorrow again." noted Recovery Girl, making me nod. 

On our way towards our classroom, (Y/N) suddenly stopped, tucking at my sleeve. I stopped, too, asking: "What is it?" "I want to ask you something." she said, her eyes covered by her hair. "Y-You can ask me anything." I quickly said, keeping my eyes on her. Her face went serious as she looked up at me. "What's your Quirk called?" Oh no. I-I can't answer that! I can't tell her anything about One for All! What do I do?! "It is quite powerful, isn't it?" she asked, her expression not changing. What do I do?! She continued: "You know, you can just answer. I'm prepared and I won't tell anyone if you don't want to." Oh, I want to, believe me, but i can't. "I'm sorry (Y/N), but I can't tell you!" I said, closing my eyes tightly. It would only get her in danger if she knew. She smiled a little, saying: "Now I'm sure of it." "What do you mean?" I asked, slightly irritated. She giggled a little, saying: "Well, I know your Quirk." What does she mean? She knows it? "You know my power, but not my Qurik, right?" "Nope. I know your Quirk." ...Huh? "But if that's the case, then you should know it's name already. So why did you ask?" "I wanted to be completely sure that One for All is your Quirk." she admitted, whispering the name of the Quirk. Did she just...? "Whaaaa?!" I screeched, but quickly covered my mouth. How does she know about One for All?! This is bad! "Don't scream, idiot. I know about it because I was supposed to get it." she said, putting her arms behind her back. "Wh-What do you mean?" I asked, still not grasping what she was talking about. She chuckled, saying: "You're a little dense, aren't you?" I couldn't answer. "You heard me right. I was supposed to get your Quirk. But I guess since mine is quite powerful already, he gave it to you. You were Quirkless, right?" I nodded. Why does she know about all of that? I have to ask All Might about this later.

(Y/N) Pov:

Deku opened the door to our classroom, and Kirishima-kun spoke first: "Oh, Midoriya and (L/N)-chan are here! Good work, Midoriya!" More students gathered around us. He continued: "Man, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were fired up!" Sero-kun said: "I can't believe you fought evenly with Bakugou, who was first in the entrance exam!" I pouted a little, saying: "I was first place, too." No one seemed to have heard me, since Mina said: "You did a good job dodging!" Deku seems to be shocked at all that. "H-Huh?" I took his hand in mine to calm him down a little. First time getting this much attention, huh? He blushed and suddenly, everyone looked at Iida-kun, who was yelling at Tokoyami-kun. The yellow haired boy came inside the classroom. He was followed by O-chan. He said: "Hey, Uraraka, wanna grab a bite to eat sometime? What do you like?" "Mochi..." She was about to answer him before she saw us. "Wait, Deku-kun, she didn't heal your injuries?" Deku said: "Oh, uh, it's because of how much stamina I have, and..." "Huh?" Deku looked at an empty table. He asked: "Um, Uraraka-san, more importantly..." "We all tried to stop him, but he went home just now without saying anything." she answered, knowing that he was talking about Kacchen. Deku let go of my hand and ran off. I think I know what he's gonna do. So, I have to follow him!

He stopped at the building's entrance, with me stopping next to him. And there was Kacchan a few feet in front of us. He walked his way, until Deku screamed: "Kacchan!" He ran after him and called out to him once again. This time, Kacchan stopped and turned his head. "What?" Oh, shit, that sounded really scary. He's gonna kill Deku for sure this time, isn't he? I walked closer to them, so that I can listen to what they were saying. 

"There's one thing I feel like I have to tell you." started Deku. What Thing? I'm curious now. He continued: "My Quirk is something I received from someone else." He... did... not... He just- I can't even- Kacchan looked at him in a questioning way. "Huh?" "I can't say who I got it from, though! I won't say... But it's like a story out of comic books, expect it's true. On top of that, I still can't Control it properly. It's just a borrowed power that I haven't made my own yet. That's why... I tried to beat you without using it. But in the end, I couldn't win and had to rely on it. I've still got a long way to go... That's why... That's why..." That Idiot! Kacchan better kick your ass or I will! Telling someone such a secret... You have to be an idiot for that. He continued: "One day, I will make this Quirk my own and beat you with my own power!" By now, he looked like he really regretted telling Kacchan all that. "What the hell is that?" asked Kacchan, looking puzzled. Did he even believe it? "Borrowed power? You're talking nonsense. What are you trying to do, make me out to be more of a fool than you already have? Huh? What are you trying to say? Today. I lost to you... That's all it was... That's all... As I watched the ice guy, I thought I can't beat him!" True, Shouto's Quirk did seem overly op... "Damn it! I ended up agreeing with what that ponytail Girl said!" Does he mean... Momo? "Damn it! Damn it, damn it! Hey, you too, Deku! I'm just... I'm just getting started!" Wait, wait, wait... He-He's crying...? What the hell did I get myself into again? "Here, I will become Number One!" He turned around and walked off, saying: "You won't beat me again, bastard!" Deku's kind of relieved, I guess?

Suddenly, someone flew towards Kacchan, saying: "There he is! Young Bakugou!" Oh god... Not now! This situation was saved already, so please don't- "Just so you know, pride is important. You definitely have the abilities needed to become a Pro. You still have a lot of-" "Let go of me, All Might. I can't walk. I'll become a Hero that surpasses even you without you telling me!" declared Kacchan, cutting All Might off. All Might looked shocked and let him walk of. Then, All Might spoke to Deku: "Young Midoriya! What were you talking about with young Bakugou?" Oh shoot! He's gonna get super mad! "Um, we were, uh..." "Hmm... I'm so curious. Why don't you tell me in detail?" "U-Um, a-actually..." I cut him off: "He kinda told him... about that." He looked at me, asking: "About what?" I sighed and said: "About THAT." He still didn't get it. Deku then told him everything he said to Kacchan. Leaving nothing out. That idiot, I would've straight up lied.


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