Chapter 99

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I just wanted to tell you all, that I have a Ray X Reader (TPN) story, too.

I know you're here for Bnha, but you might as well check it out, IF YOU WANT TO, of course!

And also, next chapter's number 100 already!

Okay, okay, that's enough of my talk~

Hope you'll enjoy!


Last Chapter:

(Y/N) Pov:

I nodded, knocking twice. "Come in." said a low voice. I recognized it and opened the door, seeing Endeavor sitting at a rather small desk. The room itself was big, really big. Shouto's hand tightened its grip on mine the moment we closed the door behind us. Endeavor stood up, looking at us. I smiled kindly, not trying to get on his bad side. "I see you two arrived already." he said, not breaking eye contact. I got a little nervous, but tried to cover it. "Yes." said Shouto. I bowed slightly, saying: "I'm looking forward to learn from you, Endeavor." "That's just what I want to hear." he said, making me look at him again. He looked at Shouto, saying: "You know the agency, so why don't you show (L/N) around?" Shouto nodded, turning around, and walking out of his office. We walked around through the tall building, Shouto telling me what room was for what. I even met a few sidekicks. I knew a few of them, too.


3rd Person Pov:

"Normally, we're mostly just waiting for calls from clients, but recently, you know, Hosu's been kind of hectic." explained the Pro Hero, Manual. Iida said: "Street patrols become a way to suppress crime." "That's right. But man, I can't believe Ingenium's little brother is interning at my agency." He waved civillians that recognizezd him, as he said: "I'm sure you had offers from Heroes more capable than me." 'Hero Killer... So elusive, he can't even be caught by the net of modern society. I know this might be in vain. Even so... Even so, I cannot not go after him. I... cannot forgive him!' thought Iida, lost in thoughts.

Somewhere else:

"I see. You were the ones that attacked UA. And you want to add me to your numbers." said the Hero Killer, Stain. Shigaraki answered: "Yeah. Come on, you've got so much more experience as a Villain, Senpai." "What are you after?" "For now, I just want to kill All Might. I want to break everything I don't like. Damn kids like this, too... Everything..." He showed Stain a few pictures of UA's class 1-A. Stain glared at Shigaraki, saying: "I was foolish to be interested. You're the type of person I hate the most." "Huh?" "You want me to go along with your childish tantrum?" Stain grabbed his swords, asking: "What meaning is there in killing without conviction?" Kurogiri, who was standing next to Shigaraki thought: 'Hero Killer: Stain... The man brought in to spur Tomura Shigaraki's growth, since he cares only about destruction... However, this is...' Stain slowly pulled his weapon's out. Kurogiri asked: "Master, is it all right to let this continue?" "This is fine! There's no point if we just tell him the answer. He should think about where he still needs to mature. Spur on his growth! That is what it means to educate." said their boss.

Again, somewhere else:

"Frankly, I don't like you." said the Pro Hero, Best Jeanist. "Huh?" asked Bakugou, not sure what to say otherwise. "You only chose my agency because I'm one of the top five most popular Heroes, right?" "You're the one tat put in an offer!" "Yeah. Recently, I've only been getting good little kids, so you were the first one in a while to strike a chord. I watched you at the sports festival. You were able to freely manipulate a Quirk with high potential, and had a good grasp of application as well. You're an outstanding talent already good enough to recruit as a sidekick. However, you have a fatal flaw. You believe yourself to be the strongest, and you try to put that into practice not caring about how that looks-- You have a ferocious nature." "Did you choose me to give me a lecture--" Before Bakugou could do anything, Best Jeanist already used his Quirk to immobilize him. "It is part of my work as a Hero to correct people like you. Heroes and Villains are two sides of the same coin. I'll show those glaring eyes of yours what makes someone a Hero." "What're you trying to do?" asked Bakugou, still glaring. "Isn't it obvious? I'm educating you to become an exemplary Hero. The way you speak, your appearance, controlling your emotions, enforcing your morals... There are countless things to do. In the short period of a week, I will sew all that into your body."

With Kirishima:

"Tetsutetsu!" "Kirishima!" "Why are you here?!" they both asked at the same time. The Pro Hero, Fourth Kind, said: "We were able to put two offers in. Let's get started without ado." "I look forward to working with you!" they both said, bowing down. "I saw your guts at the sports festival. I like you two. However, being a Hero's not so easy that you can rely on brute force alone. I will teach you that as someone with more experience." "As expected of the Chivalrous Hero!" said Tetsutetsu. Kirishima said: "So manly!" "Wait for me to finish!" said the Pro Hero angrily, slamming one of his four fits on the table. "S-Sorry!" "I'll teach you manners properly, too." "Thank you very much!"

Uraraka was patrolling with the Pro Hero, Gunhead. He explained to her what their agency does.

Yaoyorozu and Kendo, from class 1-B, were with the Pro Hero Uwabami. She told them that Heroes can have side jobs. Uwabami als told them, that she chose those two because they were cute, though she was kind of down that (Y/N) didn't accept her offer for the internship.

Jiro was running through town, following the Pro Hero, Death Arms. She wanted to go back to class, since running around like that was really hard.

And of course, Mineta would choose a female, good looking Pro Hero. So he ended up with Mt. Lady. Tough, he just cleaned her residence. He was clearly irritated, but did the work none the less.

Asui was training with the sidekicks of the agency she chose.

While (Y/N) went with a few sidekicks and got to know them and the agency a bit better, Todoroki was talking to his father. "It seems you are finally ready to take the path of the mighty, huh?" said Endeavor, looking at his son. Todoroki said: "I have no intention of going down a path you made. I will take my own path." "Oh well, you should get ready, too. We're going out." "Where?" "I'll show you what a Hero is."



I'm sorry for the boring chapter. I just didn't want to leave those parts out.

And sorry for the dusty way I wrote it, but I couldn't really go into detail with every student shown. Otherwise, this chapter would've been around 2'000 words or so.


See ya next chapter!

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