Chap 17! Yes, I do

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(A/N) hello lovelies! I had to write this on my phone, so there is no spelling check done! Sorry for that! Xx ~Anne

I wanted to wake. Harry help! I try to open my eyes. Then i fluther by eyes open in slits. 'H-h-har-ry" i croak out. I see his body jerk up. He looks at me "Niall" he whispers. "Harry" i whisper back. Then he jumps up and wraped me up in a hug. Then he starts to cry "Niall! Oh my god! You'r awake!" I wrap my arms around my fiancé. "what h-happened?" I croaked out. "oh Niall, you had an car accident. I was so fucking scared! I realised i just can't live without you!" He sobbed. I hug him tighter. "I'm here Hazz" I whisper. "But promise me one thing" i said. "Everything" "that we will marrie as soon as possible" his head shots up. "oh god! I'm so happy you didn't lose your memorie" i snigger. "i know everything" he laughs very hard. "I love you" i whisper. "love you two" he whispers back. We share a kiss full passion. I look at the ring on my finger and to his. "they think I'm engaged to Taylor, if they only knew" he sniggers. I laugh with him.

4 weeks later.

Only one week and then we can come out. But that is not the reason i'm so nervous. Today is the day. The day i'm going to marrie the man i love. Tomorrow i'm Niall Styles. I don't know how he convinced me to take his last name but he did. I'm so nervous. Lesly, Lauren and Meg are flowergirls. My brother is my best man and he walks me to the altare. I'm so happy! This is the best day of my life! But the nerves are wrecking! I softly smile to Meg who is sitting on the sofa. Harry decided he wanted to get me from my house. Why not? At some points he is quite old school. Then the doorbell rings. Meg rushes down to get the door. "Hello little princes" i hear Harry his voice. "Hello Hawwy" Meg answers. I slowly walk down the stairs. Then i see him. My heart fluthers and i almost start to cry. He looks at me in shock and adoration. "You are beautiful Niall" he said. I blush and walk towards him "And you look amazing Hazz" i say blushing. He hugs me. "Still not over the shy part?" He teased. I intake his sent and i sigh. He giggled and held me tighter. He drove us to the church.

When we arrived Harry walked in the church and i waited outside. "who knew my baby brother would marrie so soon?" Greg ask. I laughed. I see many people enter and a half an hour later i can come in. I look to Greg. "Don't let me fall" i said. "never" he answered. When we walked in i saw a picture of Mom and Dad. I started to sniff. They really thought about everything! I see Harry looking at me. I wanted to run but Greg held me back. I slowly came closer while the music played on the background. After it felt like hours is finally got to him. Greg putted my hand in Harry his hand. We turnd to the guy who did the ceremony. I quess i was to drowned in Harry his eyes till i heared him say: "I do" my heart fluthers again. The man asked me the same and i answered. "yes I do". "Now you may kiss your husband. Harry kisses me softly. I'm married now! From now on i'll be Niall James Styles-Horan. Now i'm glad i took his name. It feels more bounded. Even when we parted i didn't hear the cheering. I only had eye for Harry. My husband. "How do you feel now Mister Styles?" Harry asked. "like i'm sowring" i answer.

We rode to our party destination. We did the first dance. Then Greg came up and said he had a suprise. "I know there is a tratition called the father daughter dance. I will call it the father son dance now. I know he can't be here now. Both of our beloved parents can't be here on one of the most inportand days of your life. I did my best for my little brother to make it feel like they are here. So Niall i will ask you. Shall we do the father son dance?" He asked. I was a sobbing mess right now so i just nodded. He came to me and the song 'Butterfly kisses' began. I cied the whole dance, thanking Greg a thousand times. At the end of the evening i danced with almost everyone. Now Harry and I were dancing with Meg in between us. "Can i call you papa now?" Meg asked Harry. "Of course you can princess" "And how would you like living with papa now?" I asked. She lid up. "Geat!" She squealed. I softly sniggered. At the end of the party Lesly and Lauren took Meg home and i went home with Harry. We made passionated love that night. Nice and slow. Everything was perfect. I was married to the love of my life.

(A/N) Hey lovelies! Sad news. This story is comming to its end! I think a few more chapters. I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and vote! Love you all! Xx ~Anne

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