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"Well heres my humble home. I live alone if you were wondering." Ashton joked trying to lighten the mood I was in. I just nodded and followed him to his living room. "You want a drink?" I didn't anwser, I just wanted to curl up on the couch and die. "Okay so do you want to watch TV?" I still didn't answer. "Liv, I get your upset, but could you tell me what I can do to help you? You said you were willing to let me help. How can I help?"

"I just want to curl up and die." I thought to myself.

"Well I'm gonna be sad if you die." Shit, I said that out loud. "Wait I have an idea." Ashton ran out of the living room and then he ran back with a big blue blanket. He sat down on the couch and patted the spot beside him. I hesitantly sat beside him, he pulled the blanket over us, grabbed the TV remote and then pulled me into him, so my head was resting on his chest and his big muscular arms wrapp around my waist holding me in place. I gave him a small smile and he returned it. Ashton put on a TV show, I soon found myself falling asleep.


"His cars here. So he should be here." Calum said as we pulled up to Ashton's house. Liv didnt come home after art class and Luke was starting to worry. She had half a day today stated luke and he was scared she was kidnapped, because the school phoned the house and stated that she never showed up.

"Hope your right. Luke said Ashton will kill us if he didn't know liv was missing."

"When do you think he'll ask her out. I watch when he is around her. He cant stop staring at her, he blushes at everything she does and he wont stop talking about her. Heck he worries about her cutting problem. Remember he forced us to help stop her. I mean we would do it even if he didnt force us."

"I know I'm just waiting for it to happen. I ship it so much."

We both laughed and went up to the front door of ashton's house. We knocked, nobody answered and being the impatient person I am we just walked in because the door was unlocked.

"Asht-Oh My Gawd." Calum said looking in the living room.

"Wha-Oh My Gawd." There they were cuddle up on the couch sleeping. The TV played in the background it was adorable. "We should leave. I'll call Luke and let him know." When I see Ashton again he got some explaining to do.

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