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"So that is what's been bugging you? I'm sorry," H said running his hand through his hair. 

"Do you mean it?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes, Liv. I-i love you. I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your personality, I love you so much I don't know how one can love someone so much." Ashton said holding my hand and looking me in the eyes not looking away once. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down at the ground she he couldn't see my red face. "The question is, Do you love me?"

"No, I don't love you. . ." His smile fell and he looked upset. "I feel more then love towards you. You taught me how to smile, you gave me a reason to live. I love you more then love, if that makes sense?" He grinned and pulled me into a kiss. 

"I. Love. You." He said in between kisses. It soon turned into him carrying me out of the living room towards the bedroom.

I'm gonna let you people imagine what's going on in that room

. . . . . 

That friday, 

"Nice to meet you properly Ashton." My mom said shaking his hand.

"You too Mrs. Green." 

"Oh, Sam please.  I haven't been called Mrs. Green since my husba-."

"I'm gonna show Ash around." I said pulling him up stairs to my old room. We walked into the empty room that only had a bed in it now. 

"Wow it's the same wallpaper from back at lukes." He said sitting on the bed. 


"Oliva! Could you come here a second." My mom called from down stairs. 

"I'll be back." I walked out of the room to the stairs. 

"Here, you and Ashton can go look through these." She handed me a box of old photo albums. I remember I took all the photo's of my dad out of these and putting them into a empty one so it was just filled with me, I hid it under my mattress. Shit ashtons curiosity probably found it.

"Yeah thanks mom." I took the book and practically run upstairs to find Ashton looking through the photo album, "And I was right."

 "Right about what?" He looked up. "Anyways who is this?" He showed me a photo.

"My dad, He died on his way to the hospital the night I was born." I said sitting beside him. "And before you say i'm sorry for your loss, please don't I have heard it to many times when I was a kid."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Whats there to talk about I never met him." 

"You want to look through those one then?"

"No, I want to go hang out with you and my mom."

"I love you."

"Love you more." 

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