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Two Days Later......

"So nothing is happening between you and ash?" Luke asked, apparently micheal found us cuddling on ashton's couch and phoned Luke.

"Nothing at all, were just friends." But a part me wants us not to be


"So you and liv are nothing?" Michael asked me for the fifth time today. Apparently he and calum walked in on us cuddling on the couch. While we were unconscious.

"Yes, but there's a part of me that wishes that we were more then friends." I admit.

"Then ask her out, dude! If you don't then I will ask her for you."

"Michael, I can't."

"Fine, so be it." Michael said then grabbed my phone, and ran off with it.

"Michael! Give me back my phone!" I chased him as he ran towards the bathroom. He made it inside and locked the door. "Micheal, give it back."


"You have a crush on Ashton!" Luke sang pulling me to my feet.

"No I dont" I lied, my phone went off beside luke. I rushed to get it but luke grabbed it, he read the notification and ran off with it, locking himself in my washroom.

"Luke, give it back who was it! Luke!"

That night.......

"So," He said staring awkwardly at me.

"So," I repeated, how did he get me to do this.

"I am going to kill Michael."

"As long as I get permission to kill Luke."

"Yeah, now that I think of it we do need them in the band."

"You could always replace them. For now if you need a lead vocalist and a guitarist just ask your friends from waterparks. You are friends right."

"Yeah, we know eachother. You know that could work." We both cracked up laughing. "Hey do you want to ditch this place and go to the arcade?"

"Yeah, let's just make sure that your three toddlers dont follow us." I said gesturing to the booth not to far from us where Calum, Michael and Luke sat.

"Yeah, I got an idea. You leave first and I'll distract them and then I'll leave when they act like they are only here for themselves."

"Or we can just walk out the door."

"Yeah that too." He looked disappointed, he wanted the whole super spies thing to go down.

We got up when the waiter asked for their order, so they wouldn't see us leave. Good thing we didnt order anything yet.

Our escape was a success, "so where do you want to go?"

"How about the park?"

"I like that idea." He smiled and grabbed on to my hand, as we walked in the direction of the park. Maybe I'll keep Luke alive for one more day.

I know, summer where have you been?! The hell last time you posted was the 27th. Well you know what I gave you two chapters that day so be happy. Heres your next chapter enjoy!

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