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"Good morning class, my name is..... No that sounds stuipd... Hello, I'm your new art teacher Ms... I hate Ms, I'll just let them call me Oliva or Liv." I have been reciting how I would introduce myself to new class. I was nervous they would be filling the class room any minute now. I had waken early to eat and get ready. I managed to burn myself with the toaster and my hair straightener because of how nervous I was. I remembered what Ashton had wrote, if I was not feeling a 100% to call or talk to him. So I did, he helped me calm down.

Which helped me work up the courage to go to work. So that leads me to where I am now, waiting for my class to begin, students start to enter and sit down. Everyone seated and were talking amongst themselves.

"Hello, my name is Oliva, but you guys can call me Liv. I am going to be your art teacher for the semester." I said and smiled at the class as they all looked up to me.


I dismissed my class and sat down. I only teach one class and the class is always in the morning every mondays,tuesday, and wednesdays.

"Um...Excuse me Ms? Do you know where to find Ms. Greens room? I am so lost." A voice said from the door at the back of the room.

"Um, yes this is......Wait Ashton?" I questioned looking up to the doorway. He smiled at me and walked into the classroom. "I thought you weren't getting home until tomorrow." I said walking up to him and hugging him tightly, which he gladly returned.

"Well Surprise. You done work yet or you just sitting in here for fun?"

"I was just packing up." I smiled giving him a quick kiss and then quickly grabbing my things. "Lunch?"

"Yes, please I'm starving." He laughed and grabbed my hand leading me out the door to his car. 

Ah another timeskip

After lunch we went home to relax and unpack my things. Should I mention it? Should I mention the letter,ask him if he means it. If he means he loves me? What if he doesn't, what if he just put it in there to make me feel better. 

Ashton was in the kitchen, I was too scared to ask, I wanted the easy way out, not to face the fear of feelings and relationships. I quietly walked past the kitchen to the bathroom, I made it half way there until I was forced to a stop. "I know what your doing, I already got rid of everything. Now lets go sit down and you can tell me whats bugging you." 

"How do you know i'm not going to the washroom?" I questioned turning towards him trying to pull my are from his grip. 

"Because one doesn't sneak past the kitchen trying not to be seen to use the washroom." He said pulling me towards the living room. I decide to put up a fight and sat down so he couldn't pull me anymore. "Oh so this is how it's gonna be? I guess I have no other choice."  He let go of me, and walked closer kneeling down beside me.He smirked mischief filled his eyes as he leaned, I thought he was going to kiss me but instead I was lifted into the air over his shoulder. 

"Ashton Fletcher! Put me down!" I yelled trying to wiggle out of his grip. 

"You keep doing that and your gonna fall." He laughed, I assume me were going to the living room. placed me on the couch and sat next me. "Now whats up? Whats bugging you?" His tone now soft, I sighed here gose nothing.......

A few more chapters left..... I am gonna finish this book before I continue you Forbidden.

Speaking of Forbidden, The first three chapters are out now! It's a Luke Hemmings Fanfic if you didn't know. I am now ashamed of this self promo but whatever...

Have you people watched The Umbrella Academy on netflix, I Love klaus favourite character by far.  I'm so proud of Gerard Way and Gabriella Bá on there comic and how far it has come, 

Anyways So long and goodnight 

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