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"Hi mom, thanks for keeping my stuff here till I came back." I smiled looking at my mom. Her blond hair was in a bun and her blue eyes looked at me.

"Your welcome dear. Your hair is fading, are you going to re colour it?" I pulled a hand through my long faded lilac hair.

"Yeah, I was planning on doing it later today. I asked the school and they said it was fine to dye my hair a pastel color or nothing brighter. I have to set up my classroom tomorrow tho as the semester starts Monday." I shut the trunk of my car. "Are you sure there is enough gas? I haven't driven this thing in a few months."

"Yes, I just put some gas in it yesterday for you. Now run along, and when Ashton gets home bring him over for dinner, I didn't get to properly him when I went for your graduation, because I had to leave the next day."

"Yeah, I'll ask him. Anyways I should go, I'll talk to you later." I said walking up to the drivers door.

"Your father would be so proud of you, you know that."

"Yeah, if he didn't walk out on us and start a new family, I'm sure he would." And with that I got in my car and drove back to ashton's.

I grabbed the boxes out of the trunk and bring them into the house. 'The black magic of Mulholland Drive
Swimming pools under desert skies!' My phone went off. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID.
Volcanic-Ash❤ I pressed accepted the call and put him on speaker.

"Hi babe, how are you? You liking the house?" Ashtons voice chipped in once the call connected.

"I'm good, and the house is great. I just finished moving in the last two boxes in. I'm going to re dye my hair in a little bit, my best friend is going to do it." I said walking into the kitchen opening the fridge to find something to eat.

"That's great babe. So the studio called, we have to be back a little earlier as 4 months was a little to long of a break apparently."
I sighed as I gave up on my food hunt. "Why do you sound sad about that?"

"No, I'm excited for you to come back, just I'm hungry and you have no food." I explained. I looked at the time and mentally slapped myself. "Shit."

"What? Liv?" Ashtons voice filled with concern.

"I'm late to get my hair done I have to go." I said opening the door.

"Okay, I'll see you in a couple days. Talk to you later babe."

"Talk to you later, I um....bye ash." I alost said it to him. Those three words. I love you.

"Bye" He said cheerfully, then hanging up the phone. I got in my car and drove over to the hair salon.

Since I read the note I haven't mentioned it, I was to scared to. I didn't know if Ashton sounded upset I didn't mention it or not.

I guess I was going to find out when Tuesday......

What's gonna happen when she brings it up? Or will she bring it up? Or will she run away to Hogwarts?(I'm joking) Should I post again? Or should I wait a week? Hmmmmm.......What to do? What to do?

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