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"I, uh, Ash...." I stuttered out.

"Please say yes because if you dont this will be really awkward and I dont really want thi-" he was cut off by me kissing him.

"Is that a yes then?" He asked after pulling away.

"I think it is." I smiled before hugging him tightly, him doing the same.

"When micheal, luke and calum figure out there plan worked they will never let us forget it." Ashton laughed pulling away.

"Don't remind me. We should go before they find us and make a whole scene."

"Why dont you come over to my place. We could watch a movie." Ashton asked grabbing your hand.

"Yeah, but can I grab some clothes first so I'm not wearing the same thing tomorrow and have Luke integrate me."

"You know he is going to do that anyways, but yes we can."

We walked back to the restaurant where his  car was parked hand in hand, we spotted the three boys looking for us, but we managed to not be seen.

After I grabbed something to where tomorrow, I ran out the door to Ashton's car.

"Shit, Luke's car is pulling in the drive way!" I said quickly getting in.

"Let's go then."

"Why again are we sneaking around?"

"Because the boys are nosy little jerks that don't know how to mind their own love life." He laughed and drove to his house.

I went to change into a pair of shorts and my favorite oversized fall out boy hoodie. When I came out Ashton had his pj bottoms and a black 5sos hoodie on.

"So I picked out a couple movies." He said looking up at me. "Mean Girls, Hunchback of Notredam, and the harry potter series." He said holding up the DVDs.

"Harry Potter." You stated grabbing the movie and putting it in the DVD player.

"Harry Potter it is then." He smiled and left the kitchen.

He came back out with a bowl of popcorn. The rest of the night we cuddled and we went to bed around 2 in the moring. I actually got a good night's sleep. Well it was a late night but I'm sure we would sleep in. I had no school tomorrow.

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