Chapter 1, She's my Soulmate

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Author's note: This chapter will act as a filler so bear with me if the story proceeds a little slower for the first few chapters.

Soulmates, what did the word even? Why was it so important for people to be with one person and how did they fall in love with that one person only?

Yoongi was only 6 years old when he was made to understand all these things, simply because he was special.
He could see the red string of fate that connected soulmates.

The first time Yoongi saw the red string was between his parents on christmas eve. His 6 year self thought it was a silent message to indicate that Santa was here but oh boy was he wrong.

Yoongi's mom spent days to explain how everything worked and how he wasn't supposed to let anyone know if he didn't want to be taken away and so he kept quiet. It turned out it was a family thing, his mother could also see the red string of fate and he was happy to be special at first until it became nothing but a misery for him.

He saw his father's depression drowning his mother in and he just couldn't register the fact how two people who were fated to be together could be bad for each other. He was 10 years old when he found out that some people who could see the red string of fate had one chance in their lives to cut a string  connecting two people while others could only join the loose strings once in their lifetime. Yoongi was the one who could only cut the string once in his lifetime and he was grateful. He wanted to cut the string that connected his parents because he was tired of seeing his mom suffer but she stopped him.

"You might need this special power in the future, Yoongi-ah. I've spent most of my life, I don't need you to do this for me. Please."

And so Yoongi stopped. He never felt a strong urge to cut a string again, that is until he met you.

Yoongi grew up to be an anxious human being, he didn't like crowded places, didn't like interacting with a lot of peope and enjoyed his time alone. This way everything that he battled stayed with him and only him. The nights he spent alone, depressed, no one knows about them. The anxiety attacks he got when he was getting nowhere near his dream, no one knows about them either.

Except for one person, Namjoon.

"We're going on this trip, you need this." He said, packing Yoongi's things for him while Yoongi's eyes stayed glued to the younger man.

"You know I'm not a fan of travelling. Plus what would the two of us even do? I'm not willing to spend that much time with you alone."

"Ouch, that hurt." Namjoon put a hand on his heart in dramatic fashion, only further irritating Yoongi. "Hyung, we're not alone. My girlfriend and her best friend are accompanying us. Do this for me. Please?"

Right, Namjoon's girlfriend. The moment Yoongi laid his eyes on Sarah, he knew Namjoon had found his soulmate. They were connected by the red string of fate and the more he got to know her, the happier he was for his friend.

Namjoon was Yoongi's only weakness. A friend who was there for him through thick and thin and he just couldn't say no to him.



Sarah loaded your bags in the trunk of Namjoon's car and you tapped your foot on the road, something that indicated your nervousness.

"Why are you nervous?

"I had to get the designs done by tomorrow for my project but now we're going with them and-"

Sarah rolled her eyes and that just made you shut up as quick as you started talking.
"The project that is due after a whole month? Live a life, Y/N. You stress out too much."

"But this is important for my career and-"
"Nope. Promise me you won't stress out during this trip or I'm not talking to you."

You fiddled with your fingers in contemplation, not knowing if you'd actually be able to withhold but nodded regardless.

The two of you got into Namjoon's car and you noticed a pale man who had the most sour expression on his face sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hey, babe.", Namjoon blew a kiss to his girlfriend and you scrunched your face in minor disgust.

Noticing that there were two other people in the car too, Namjoon attempted to introduce the two of you to each other.

"Oh, hey Y/N. I would like you to meet my friend, Yoongi. Yoongi, this is Y/N."

You looked at the back of this guy named Yoongi's head and he slowly turned around, clearly not interested in any of this.

You would've said hi if it didn't look like his eyeballs would come out of his sockets. Why was he so shook to see you?
He opened and closed his mouth several times in an attempt to say something but nothing came out for what felt like forever.

He then looked at his pinky finger and then yours, immediately shutting his eyes.

"I'm not coming with you guys anymore.", he said before getting out of the car in an instant.

"HEY HEY!", Namjoon shouted but that didn't stop Yoongi at all.
If you noticed anything about this man at all, it was that he was just weird.

Yoongi kept on beating his chest to calm himself down, "She's my soulmate. She's my soulmate", he kept repeating to himself.

Yoongi knew he was bound to find someone who was destined to be with him, he surely wasn't ready to find her this quick.

"No, no. I have to go on this trip, I need to cut our string. Right. I'll go."

To anyone else, Yoongi seemed like a mad man who was whispering gibberish to himself but Namjoon knew better. He knew that Yoongi needed this time alone to calm down from whatever bothered him so much so he could finally be at peace during their trip.

When Yoongi came back, sitting in the passenger seat, all of the other three people in the car could bore holes in him through their stares.

"Are we gonna move or what?", that was all it took for Namjoon to press on the accelerator and start the journey that was going to change multiple lives forever.

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