Chapter 4, Do You Believe In Soulmates?

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In all honesty, you were a terrible singer and everyone around you was just about to witness that.

"I'll sing, I've always wanted to sing in a situation like this. Please pardon my terrible voice in advance." Everyone laughed but Yoongi didn't. Not because he was irritated or anything but because he just couldn't stop staring at the string that connected the two of you as you held on to his hand tightly.

You started singing and Yoongi's gaze finally lifted up to your face. Oh boy were you horrible at singing and everyone took it upon themselves to make fun of your voice through secret glances. Not Yoongi, though. Even though he definitely realized that your voice sucked, he couldn't help but smile to himself. This was probably the first time Sarah had seen Yoongi smiling and when you caught that little smile on his face, other people laughing didn't matter anymore.

Your voice must have killed the vibe because one by one everyone was gone back into their rooms except for just the four of you.

"Wow, your voice sounded like Adele." Namjoon's comment had you swinging your head in his direction with suspicion.

"C'mon, you don't need to make me feel good."

"No no, you did sound like Adele. She probably sounds like that when she has 42 lemons in her mouth with a sore throat." A laugh escaped your mouth at the good insult that was thrown at you.

"I can't even disagree."

"Umm, are you guys gonna hold hands like that all night?" Sarah pointed towards the hands that were still intertwined and which belonged to you and Yoongi.

The sudden realization that you were still holding hands had the two of you jolting back up and retreating your hands.

"Namjoon, maybe we should go for a walk."
She pulled Namjoon up by his hand and winked at you before leaving. That sneaky little shit, did she really think that anything was going to happen between you and Yoongi when he probably hates you?

"Thank you for what you did. I-I appreciate it."
Yoongi's voice was nice when he wasn't irritated and you couldn't help but notice him scratching the back of his ear. Was it something he did when he felt nervous or awkward?

"I didn't do anything, I did always want to sing like this."

Yoongi looked directly in your eyes and someone who you've known only for a day should definitely not make you feel the way his gaze did.

"You figured out my level of discomfort did you?"

You diverted your eyes to look at the sea and a deep sigh left your body. "I'll tell you about this some other day, when we're closer than we are now. As for now, I just wanted you to know that you can tell me anything you want to. I'm a good listener and I'm good at keeping secrets too."

You looked at him but he didn't move nor did he look at you. You took this as a signal that he wasn't going to speak, he might not be ready to let talk to you about this and you weren't going to force him.

"Oh well, I suppose I'm gonna go crash. Good night, Yoongi." You only got up when a hand held you by your wrist and he looked at you with eyes that had seen too much for his own good.

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

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