Chapter 17, The Truth Not Untold

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A week, that's all that was left till the wedding. Where did all the time even go? Yoongi had no idea. The shared kisses, the time cuddled in your bed, the morning breakfast ordeals, just everything about you was enough to drive time away quickly. Yoongi was in love and he wasn't scared to show it. Neither were you, although the two of you never said it out loud, it was clear as day to anyone that both of you were head over heels.

Last night when he held you in his arms while you slept soundly was when he felt scared. You still hadn't told him about the thing you were hiding and time was running out. He had already taken the matters in his own hands because he couldn't wait anymore but he wished you told him already.

You didn't, though.

Today was the day, the day his anxiety decided to kick in again. He held the phone in his hand as he waited for the call from the hospital. The results could come in anytime. He kept on convincing himself that what he was thinking was impossible. Jiah couldn't see the red strings of fate and if she was his daughter she would be able to...

He stopped. His heart stopped with him. This wasn't impossible. A child can only see the red strings of fate if their parents are soulmates and the two of you are not soulmates anymore. Oh my God, Jiah could actually be his daughter. Yoongi was going breathless by now. Did he want Jiah to be his daughter or did he not want this to be true? He was so conflicted and so scared. So scared that when the phone finally started ringing, his hands started shaking.

With shaky hands and shaky breath, he finally answered. "Hello?"

"Hello, I'm Mia from Seoul hospital and research center. Are you Min Yoongi?"

Breathe, Yoongi. Breathe. "Y-yes."

"The DNA test results are here. Do you want to come pick them up or should I tell you over the phone?"

"Over the phone, please."

"The two DNA samples you gave are a 99% match. Judging by the results, biologically the male whose sample you gave is the father of the female whose sample was tested. Anything else you want to know?"

There was nothing else Yoongi wanted to know because the phone was on the floor already and so was he. His knees felt weak and he felt blinded by Jiah's face in that moment. Betrayal. He felt betrayed and he hated you so much. He felt this absolute burst of negativity towards you and he didn't even know he was capable of hating you to this extent. Did he actually hate you? No. He just hated that you did this to him.

He hated that he could not hate anyone else for putting you in this position because it was him all along. Even when he left you, even when he cut the red string, he held you back. You could still be soulmates, you could've spent all these years together but you didn't. All because you decided that he didn't deserve to know the truth. Suddenly, he wanted answers. He wasn't going to run away from anything like he always did.

Instead, he started running towards you. It was raining and so his tears were hidden but they were there. He ran and ran, with every step another memory jogged up in his mind. Your first look, your first conversation, that night when he made love to you, when he cut the string, when he saw Jiah for the first time and lastly when he fell for you all over again.

He ran until he had no more energy and so fell on his knees. Luckily, he was already outside your house. The place that comforted what could've been his family. Could have been.

"Mommy, Shoogy's getting soaked in the rain."
Jiah's little hands were on the window as she jumped up and down in worry.

You took a little glance outside only to find Yoongi on the ground looking at your house with sadness in his eyes? Your heart dropped immediately as you grabbed the umbrella and ran outside. "Jiah, honey, stay inside okay?"

Yoongi saw you running towards him in worry and he scoffed, almost bitterly. Did you ever even care about him? The raindrops stopped falling over him and he knew you covered him with the umbrella over his head. You pushed him into a cliff but atleast he had an umbrella over his head.

"Yoongi? Are you okay?" You were now on your knees too, your eyes were filled with worry as you sat at his eye level.

"Should I be okay?"

His voice cracked and so did your heart. You could finally make out the tears on his face now. "'re scaring me."

"How could you do this to me, Y/N?"

"What are you talking about?"

Yoongi sniffed, wiping away the tears from his face as he looked sternly in your eyes. You were struggling to breathe too now. Before he even spoke any further, you knew you had been caught. You also knew you had lost him before you even got the chance to love him properly.

"Is Jiah my daughter?"

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