Chapter 15, Can I Please Kiss You?

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Yoongi looked himself in the mirror for umpteenth time to make sure he was looking presentable. He adjusted his shirt and took a deep breath in. He just so badly hoped that nothing would go wrong at the party because you worked so hard for it. There were no guests there yet but Yoongi could make two people coming towards him. One woman and a little girl jumping up and down and he instantly knew who they were. He secretly hoped he didn't already have hearts visible in his eyes.

You looked different from normal, your hair, your make up and your dress. Yoongi tried to hold back his breath that was too shaky at the sight of you as you approached him.

"Wowwww, Shoogy looks like a prince." Jiah gave him her signature gummy smile that he mirrored as he picked her up in his arms.

"I know right?" Yoongi's narcissistic comment had you and Jiah giggling as you mentally agreed with your daughter. He looked as handsome as ever and your thoughts just took a sad turn when you wished he was yours. A wish that wasn't going to come true.

"Everything looks perfect, Yoongi. I'm happy we pulled this off."

"You look perfect." His tongue slipped but he quickly realized what came out of his mouth when you stared at him with wide eyes. "I mean...everything looks perfect because of your hard work."

You nodded, not wanting to make this awkward and moved along to greet the guests, your heart still thumping from the sudden slip of tongue by Yoongi.

The party was a success, you knew this because Namjoon and Sarah were dancing like happy freaks on the dance floor while your own daughter shaked her little bum with Yoongi in an attempt to dance with him as well. The whole scene had you laughing but more importantly it created a thunder inside of you. This was the happiest you've ever seen Jiah and this was probably the only time you'll see her being this happy with her father all the while not knowing anything at all. Even though the thought of Yoongi leaving worried you to the core, you decided to give up on such thoughts and just focus on them having a good time.

"Stop eye fucking him."

You gasped, almost spilling your drink as you smacked the culprit behind the whole mess. "God, Taehyung, atleast give a girl some warning. Also, no I wasn't eye fucking him. He's dancing with my daughter, that's messed up."

"Just because he's dancing with your little minion doesn't mean he can't be your daddy." Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows suggestively while you scrunched your nose at his words.

"Okay, jokes aside, you like him. Am I right or am I right?" He asked as he shook his drink with the straw before taking a sip.

" Of course, not." The fact that you stuttered made you doubt your own statement while Taehyung just had a smirk on his face.

"You know, if you tell me that you like him, I can do something to make the two of you end up together for life. Or else you're gonna die alone."

You turned your face towards him, squinting your eyes and giving him a pointed look. "And you know that because?"

He shrugged as he answered your question casually. "I just do."


Your phase of confusion was over when your best friend excitedly made her way towards you clapping.

"What are you two doing here? Come and dance!"

"She can't, she's busy but I'll come with you."

Sarah raised her eyebrow at Taehyung in suspicion, "Busy doing what?"

"Eye fucking Yoongi hyung."


He ran off with a laughter before you could kill him while Sarah looked at you with an amused look. "So Yoongi, huh?"

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