Chapter 7, I'm leaving

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WARNING: Mature Themes

"Kiss me."

That was all he needed to put his lips on yours, oh how you wished you could describe the feeling. Both of your eyes were closed but you could feel the sparks flying everywhere, the atmosphere suddenly felt like everything around you was celebrating the union of two people who were falling in love.

Yoongi pulled you closer by the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss. You held his shirt in your fists as you kissed him mindlessly. When you pulled him on top of you as you lied down on the bed, you should've known where this was going but everything felt too beautiful to stop. The moment Yoongi took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, he knew this was not something he should do, especially when he planned to cut the string but he couldn't stop himself. He needed you just as much as you needed him.

"You're so beautiful, Y/N. So so beautiful."

And then his lips were on yours again as his hands travelled all over your body. With you being completely naked under him, Yoongi's body was on fire and so was his heart. As he devoured your body in sweet kisses, he realized how this wasn't about sex at all. This was about love and somehow for the first time the thought didn't scare him.

"Shit, Yoongi! Do you have a condom?", your worried voice had him look up at you with wide eyes.

"I...I didn't think we'd be doing this. I'm clean though and I can pull out if you're okay with it."

"I'm clean too. Good, it's good."

You were breathless and desperate for him. You weren't going to stop what you started when you wanted him so bad. Yoongi entered you and you closed your eyes at the sensation.

"Am I hurting you?" Funny how you thought this man was cold in the start. Yoongi was thoughtful and caring, he just hid it well.

"I'm good, never been better."

Yoongi smiled and the smile didn't drop as he made love to you that night. It wasn't anything kinky, it was simple yet so beautiful. He didn't forget to pleasure you in every way possible and everytime he smiled at you breathlessly, you melted under his touch even more.

Yoongi had sex numerous times in his life but this was the first time he felt his heart race while doing it. Min Yoongi was now a gone case. Min Yoongi was in love with you.


Yoongi secretly liked getting his hand held, he also secretly liked hugging you while you slept. He got the access to this newly found information just now, all because he wanted to hug you so bad but you weren't in bed with him anymore.

You stood by the window, looking up at the sky and he wondered how you managed to glow like this. He walked up to you, hugged you from behind as he placed a soft kiss on your shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Lana, her name was Lana." Yoongi shifted uncomfortably as he stood at an angle to get a better look of your face.

"Who is she?"

"My younger sister. She was 3 years younger than me."


"She committed suicide two years ago."

Yoongi's head started spinning at the mention of suicide as he got the flashbacks of his messy thoughts over the years.

"I..I'm sorry to hear that."

"She didn't get out of her bed for days, used to be rude to everyone and always had a I don't give a fuck attitude. That was her call for help, Yoongi. She told me once that she was going through some stuff and I dismissed it thinking it was some teen stuff and that she'll get over it but she didn't. She ended her suffering by ending herself and I just can't...I can't forgive myself for not helping her, for not being there for her."

Yoongi needs to go, he needs air. He needs to breathe.

"You asked me how I sensed your discomfort that day, I sensed it because I've been working on it. I took classes, I took sessions so that I can be of help to other people who go through the same issues and yet are not vocal about it. You reminded me of her so much, it was scary how your actions resembled her to such a huge extent."

Your voice cracked as you silently sobbed and Yoongi looked away, he clenched his fists and all he wanted to do was run away. The universe was evil for choosing Yoongi as your soulmate but he wasn't going to let evil win.

"I'm sorry, I just got overwhelmed. It's late, let's go to sleep."

As he looked at you wiping your tears off, he knew what his decision was and he was finally determined to do what he was supposed to.


Something was up with Yoongi, he wasn't in bed with you in the morning when you woke up and now it looked like he was ignoring you. When Namjoon and Sarah got up to get their breakfast, you took the opportunity to finally talk to him.

"Hey, about last night-"

"It was a mistake but it's okay. We're adults, such things happen. We just got carried away, it was a one time thing anyway." He said it so casually that you couldn't even move a muscle in disbelief.

You felt a lump in your throat as you faked a smile and nodded. Your heart got broken before it even got a chance to beat for him properly.

"You okay? You look like your dog died." Namjoon was concerned and it was hard to fake your emotions anymore.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Guys, I have something to tell all of you." Yoongi's voice had all of you look in his direction.

"So I got a offer by this entertainment company in the US as a producer."

"The company that you don't like? They sent that offer like 3 months ago and you said you weren't going." Namjoon squinted his eyes at his friend as he inquired.

"I changed my mind. I'm leaving in two months."

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