Chapter 23, Strings Attached

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You ran outside again, just in time because Yoongi shut down the trunk as he prepared to sit in the car to leave. He wiped his tears as he continued crying, thinking that no one was looking at him but he was wrong. You were not only looking at him but breaking apart with every second.

"Min Yoongi!" He stopped in his tracks at once after hearing your voice, turning around slowly and preparing himself for all the venom that he deserved. The venom that never came.

You walked towards him, savouring every look and every step. When you were close enough, you wiped the single tear on his cheek with your thumb and poured out the rain of your words all at once.

"You're right, Yoongi. Jiah and I are better off without you. She'll grow up without a father but that's okay. I'll provide everything for her, I'll love her twice as much. You'll be nothing but just her Joonie's acquaintance that she met once. I'll be here for all her milestones while you'll just be imagining all of them from far far away but you'll be happy, right? Your happiness is all that matters."

"Please stop."

"Who knows, maybe I'll find some man too. Someone who loves Jiah and I more than you ever could and I'll marry him. I'll have a complete family with him and Jiah and you'll be happy being far far away from us."

"Stop, Y/N."

"Our family will be full of love but you'll be happy-"

"STOP IT!" He stepped back as he turned towards the car instead. "I don't want to hear it."

"Why? Isn't this what you want? Isn't this the noble cause for you leaving us? When this is all you want for us why can't you hear this?"

"I'm getting late for my flight. I need to go."
He opened the car door but you shut it before he could get in.

"I need answers too, Yoongi. How can you bear imagining me with someone else when you can't even hear it? Why are you leaving when-"

"BECAUSE I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU! I can't fucking hear it because I love you and I don't want to leave! I want to stay here and be with you and Jiah. I just...I just want to be happy with the two of you."
His knees got weak as he fell on them, crying for the umpteenth time today. Fate was cruel to him, so cruel.

With a soft smile on your face, you knelt down infront of him. "Many years ago, you asked me a question, Yoongi. You asked me if I believed in soulmates."

Yoongi looked at you, in tears but anticipating your next words.

"You make me want to believe in soulmates, Yoongi."

Yoongi's heart felt like it could burst any moment, his throat felt tight and he couldn't breathe. He closed his eyes for a moment, giving your words time to sink in. Even when his world was dark, all he saw was your face. His mind only had the ability to picture you when his world went dark. You were a part of him, soulmate or no soulmate, you lived in him. He was wrong, he was so wrong. Why did he think that soulmates only had to be connected with the red string of fate? Even when there was no red string of fate between the two of you, your love wasn't any less. He loved you just as much, then why did he think he had to leave? Why did he think you weren't his soulmate anymore? Maybe you weren't his soulmate in the traditional view but you were his soulmate in every other sense. It finally dawned upon him that he didn't need a red string to be connected with you, the feelings in his heart were enough to connect the two of you. He opened his eyes to the view of you infront of him and all he wanted was to embrace you and never let go.

"Oh my God, oh my God. I..I'm so sorry."
Yoongi hugged you so suddenly that you lost your balance and managed to laugh at the way he held you so tightly, like he was afraid of letting you go. "I love you, I love you, I love you so much, Y/N.

"Mommy, why is there a red string on your and Shoogy's finger? Is this a new game? Can I play?"

Yoongi pulled apart from you and stared at his daughter in awe. It couldn't was impossible. "Jiah, love, what do you see?"

Jiah pointed towards something in between you and Yoongi and spoke innocently. "The red string, right there between you and mommy."

Yoongi picked Jiah up in tears of joy while you stood there confused. Yoongi was euphoric, he could literally die right now and he'll be happy. "I love you so much, Jiah."

"Love you too, Shoogy."

"Dad." Yoongi looked at you and you joined in the family hug. "Call him dad from today, Jiah."


From a distance, a young man slowly opened his eyes. His world seemed colourless now that all the red had faded away from it yet it had never been this colourful. Kim Taehyung will never be able to see the red string of fate ever again but he had the biggest smile on his face. He was happy because even though he won't know it when he meets his own soulmate, atleast two people who were destined to be together were together because of him.

The strings that were once loose were now attached and the love that was once broken was now complete, for soulmates find their way back to each other, even if the string is broken, the hearts stay connected forever.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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