Chapter 3, I Got You

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He should've done it, he always planned to do it. So why were his hands shaking right now? Why was his anxiety kicking in at the wrong time?
To make matters worse, you turned around. His soulmate, the person who was fated to be with him turned around and he lost it the moment your eyes met.

So innocent, so beautiful. You had no idea how badly Yoongi was about to mess up your life as you gave him a little smile which tugged onto his heart strings.

This was the thing about soulmates, atttaction to each other was inevitable.

Yoongi wasn't going to let that happen, though. He wasn't going to let whatever this was turn into a romantic love story because he didn't believe in happy endings. He didn't want to be with you because he knew the two of you will only have a sad ending and he does not want to be responsible for it.

His thoughts were a mess, he was a mess. He didn't realize the two of you were staring at each other all this time, looking for something when you didn't even know what to look for.

"If your little staring game is over, let's go out." Namjoon's voice was what shook both of you awake, why were the two of you so lost anyway?

Yoongi scratched the back of his head as he stepped back and nodded slightly. The atmosphere had gotten so awkward and the two of you hadn't even talked properly yet.

This man was weird, how were you going to survive this whole trip with him?


If there was anything that made you instantly happy, it was restaurants. What was better than having a meal and catching up with your friends? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

"The view is no nice from here, can we go to the beach after dinner?", you said with too much enthusiasism and it only irked Yoongi.
You had to be fake, no one could be this happy because they were at a nice restaurant. Yoongi refused to believe you were this positive in life, people like you didn't exist.

"Of course, I've always wanted a romantic walk on the beach with Namjoon." Sarah held Namjoon's hand as she winked at him and Yoongi could vomit.

"Can we order? I'm starving.", Yoongi finally spoke in a cold tone and it was starting to annoy your best friend. Sarah had limited interactions with Yoongi but she never saw him happy or smiling. Namjoon told her that he was cold to people he didn't know but he was a total softie once you got to know him. Unfortunately, she never got to see that side of him and she now started believing that his softie side didn't exist.

Once you placed your respective orders, it was time to catch up with your friends, your other favorite thing to do.

"So my professor said that if my designs are really good, she might send them to various fashion designers. Imagine me working under them once I graduate, I tell you I can feel it in my veins. I'll become one of the best fashion designers this country has."

Yoongi didn't even know when his eyes had lit up when listening to you speak. The two of you had something in common; passion for your work.

"I'm sure you will, Y/N. I've seen your designs and being a little into fashion, I can tell you have a very bright future." At this point, Namjoon became a very important pillar of your life. His words never failed to encourage you and you were grateful he was there for you.

"What about you, Yoongi? What do you do?"

A simple question made his heart race so much. Was it the question or was it the fact that it was you who asked this?

"Nothing.", he dryly replied. These questions were only meant for people who wanted to get close to one another. He had no interest in getting close to you.

"What do you mean nothing? Yoongi hyung writes lyrics and composes songs. He's also amazing at rapping. Just like you, I see it in him too. He'll become world class producer one day, he has it in him."

Namjoon was a dear friend so of course he only had good things to say about Yoongi. He saw himself in a different light, though. He was someone who fought with depression and anxiety and those things would always be in his way.

"I'll root for you, Yoongi. I hope I'm there to see you make it to the top." You were starting to get on his nerves, why were you being nice to him? It will only make it harder for him to cut the string.

"You don't need to root for me and you won't be there if I make it anyway. We're not friends, stop acting like we are." Your face dropped and so did everyone else's.

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"But you did. Can you just not talk to me?"

"Wow what the fuck is wrong with you? She's just being nice, you pale eggplant. Why did you bring him with you, Namjoon? He's such an asshole all the time, it's starting to annoy me." Sarah's outburst had shocked everyone but Yoongi seemed indifferent as he simply shrugged and looked away.

The food came and it distracted everyone but your eyes were glued to Yoongi. His actions seemed too familiar to you and it only broke your heart more.


It turned out there was a bunch of other young adults that were here with us to spend their holidays too. All of us sat around the campfire and Yoongi was already hating to be around so many people.

"I'm so happy we met each other, it's always nice to have so many people around. It's more fun." One of the girls spoke happily clunging on to her boyfriend's arm.

"Okay, people. No campfire is complete without someone singing a song. Which one of you is going to sing?" Her boyfriend looked around and his eyes locked on Sarah.

"Oh no, I'm not good at singing but Yoongi is. He'll sing." You glared at your best friend for putting Yoongi on the spot when she knew he was already irritated.

"I don't sing, I'm a rapper." Yoongi hissed and Sarah just shrugged.

"Same thing. Rap for us, then."

Yoongi had social anxiety, it was hard enough for him to sit in a gathering so large. Now, with all eyes on him, his skin started to burn as his heart sank down.

Everyone was simply staring at him while he threw a few helpless glances towards Namjoon. He needed help, he needed someone to get him out of it. Namjoon, on the other hand thought this to be an opportunity for his friend to try to open up so he kept quiet. He shouldn't have, his friend needed him.
Fortunately, there was someone else right there with him in that moment.

Yoongi didn't know why or how but the moment a hand intertwined in his, his body loosened up. The breath he was holding in was now out as he looked at the person who was there to comfort him.

He looked at your comforting smile and his whole world got back to normal pace. Your face conveyed softness and he couldn't even describe the relief he was feeling. Why was he feeling this? You didn't even do anything, yet his heart feels at ease. Next thing he knew, all he needed were a few words to feel better. A few words that came out of your mouth.

"I got you."

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