Chapter 9, Till I See You Again

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A/N: Yayy two updates in one day!

"I always knew that you and Yoongi were dumb but I didn't think you guys would be so dumb to NOT use protection? What were you guys thinking? Also, if you're 8 weeks pregnant, this means you missed your period twice. How did you not notice?!"

While Sarah was yelling at you, you just looked out of the window at the sky. The silent tears that fell down your cheeks told you that you really wanted Yoongi to be with you in this moment.

"Okay, anyway, I'm sorry. What's done is done, what are you going to do now? He's leaving tomorrow, you should go and tell him right now. Actually, I'll call him over. Just wa-"

"Don't. I'm not going to tell him." You knew Sarah was going to bore holes in you with her stare but you couldn't care less. You knew what you were doing and you weren't going to change your decision.

"Have you lost your mind? You didn't make this baby alone, Y/N. He has a right to know that you're pregnant with his child and then you can decide on what you want to do about it together."

"I said I'm not going to tell him, Sarah." She scoffed in response as she held her head feeling defeated.

"This is insane, he's the father...I don't get it. What's wrong with you?"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? FORCE MY DECISIONS ON HIM? You and I both know that if I tell him he won't leave. You know what that means? He'll be letting go off the only chance he has at getting better. He'll let depression win and what if...what if he ends up like Lana? THIS IS HIS CHANCE AT LIVING A LIFE AND I'M NOT TAKING THAT AWAY FROM HIM AT ANY COST!"

Sarah got up and walked up to you, wiped your tears off and held your shoulders to knock some sense into you but the tragedy of your own sister had taught you better. "This is also HIS child, Y/N. This is the result of something you guys did TOGETHER, he deserves to know."

"He deserves to be happy too, Sarah. I'm not going to come in his way."

"Well, have you atleast decided what you're going to do with it? Do you want to keep it?"


Sarah's response was cut short from the text message ringtone that had her reaching for her phone.

"Namjoon texted me saying Yoongi wants us to come see him off at the airport tomorrow. Think about it, Y/N. You have all night."


Truth be told, Yoongi did not want to see you before he left but he had to. He couldn't leave without doing one thing that he was supposed to do from the very start. His palms were sweaty and he felt his throat going dry as he anticipated your arrival at the airport.

He didn't need to look around to see that you were here, the movement of the string perfectly announced that you were getting closer to him and he suddenly wanted to disappear.

"All set? I can't believe you're leaving my boyfriend here alone." Sarah's attempt to lighten the mood went unnoticed by Yoongi because he was all too focused on you.

"Hey, atleast I have you here. You should spend more time with me from now on." Again, Namjoon's words were only heard by his girlfriend because you were too busy staring at Yoongi.

Sarah noticed the hanging silence and sent Namjoon a sign to leave the two of you alone before Yoongi left. She nodded towards you, telling you that this was your last chance to tell Yoongi that you were pregnant but that wasn't even important for you anymore. All you wanted was to see Yoongi happy.

"You should probably check-in now."

"Uhh yeah, I should."

And the awkward silence again. You didn't even know what to say anymore so you thought it was best if you just left. You were on the verge of crying just by looking at his face and the last thing you wanted was for Yoongi to see you crying before he left. So you waved your hand towards Sarah, asking her and Namjoon to come over so that you can leave.
Yoongi sensed this and he knew he had little time to say whatever he wanted.

"Y/N, I just wanted to say that we don't know each other for very long but thank you for everything and that...I...I'll miss you." He couldn't believe the words just came out of his own mouth but he had to say it.

"I'll miss you too, Yoongi." No one knows how you stopped the tears from flowing at that moment, no one.

"Ready to check in?" Namjoon's question was followed by a quick nod from Yoongi.

"Well we have to turn our project in so we better get going. Take care of yourself, Yoongi. Stay in touch!" Sarah hugged Yoongi quickly, smiling at him and then looking at you.

"Best of luck, Yoongi. I hope you achieve everything you ever wished for. Everything." Your voice cracked by the end of your sentence so you hugged Yoongi to prevent him from seeing your tears but he knew. He knew because his heart was hurting just as much. He held onto you so tight, not wanting to let go but he had to. He had to let go.

Before you made a fool out of yourself, you backed up. "Goodbye, Yoongi." You didn't wait for his answer because you were already walking away.

Yoongi lowered his gaze as he wrapped his finger around the string. He didn't realize he was crying until he held the string, his life was about to fall apart infront of his own eyes and he was the one going to do it with his own hands.

But isn't sacrifice another name for love? Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should end up together and no one knew this better than Yoongi.

He stared at your back and a sudden flashback of all your moments replayed in his mind. Yoongi was crying his heart out as he saw you getting further and further away from him but then you stopped and so did Yoongi's world.

You turned around to look at him one last time and he saw it. He saw the pain in your eyes as you mirrorred his cries but still smiled through the pain. Your eyes suddenly gave him the strength he needed and he closed his eyes. He closed his eyes because he could not witness the string breaking, he could not see the love of his life not being destined to be with him anymore.

With all the willpower and strength Yoongi had, he finally tore the string from his hand. He cut it and he expected to feel at ease but he was still hurting.


He slowly opened his eyes, only to see his world had totally changed. His world was not tangled in hundreds of red strings anymore, for he could not see them. Yoongi felt his heart sink after he realized what this meant. He felt his heart get so heavy that he felt like he was going to die. You weren't there infront of him anymore but he knew. He knew what he had just done and he wanted to cry. He wanted to beat himself up. Did this mean that he secretly hoped that this wouldn't work? Why did it matter now anyway? Nothing mattered anymore because...

You weren't Yoongi's soulmate anymore.

Little did he know that while one thing that connected the two of you was gone, something else was going to connect you two for eternity.

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