Chapter 7 this chapter is a little long

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Louis had driven us to a forest but not just like a park or something it was a flat out forest and I'm not going in there becuase there are snakes and other things that I really really dislike. I heard ruffling in the trees my head snapped in the direction as I backed up to the closes body I could find which was louis.

louis picked up that I was scared and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in tightly.

" It's alright love nothing can harm you as long as I am here I won't let anything happen." louis squeezed me tighter.

I lifted my head from louis chest just in time to see what was coming out . and out stepped a cute blonde boy. he was tall and had a lip ring.

"Hi I'm luke" the one with the lip ring spoke." my band mates are a little slower than me-"

"We at not!" another boy cut luke off as he stepped out of the trees. he had brown hair that looked somewhat curly. "I'm ashton by the way " he added.

And out came two at the same time but they didn't step out of the bushes they fell making me luagh.

They seemed to be playing around with eachother.

Ashton broke them up "ok boys ok introduce your selfs ."

"Hi I am michael ." the bleached blonde said.

"And I'm calum" the dark haired one said.

" Hi boys I am Hannah and I'm guessing you know who these boys are." I spoke gesturing to the other boys.

"Yes we do" the 4 spoke in unison.

"Uh... Hannah we have all came here to tell you something." zayn spoke .

"Well what is it?" I asked giggling thinking it was just something silly.

The 4 ( ashton luke michael and calum ) walked closer to me. luke grabbed my hand. as he did so I heard niall and zayn and harry let out something that sounded like a hiss?

" Don't touch our girl mate " zayn hissed again threw his teeth.

Calum coughed a sarcastic type cough " i think you are forgetting she is ours to."

Zayn louis and niall slowly settled down. but I'm so confused why did they hiss? is this some kind of a joke? haha . wait, I wonder if it has something to do with niall being able to practically read my mind.

"Actually Hannah that is what we are here to tell you about I can read your mind we all can." niall said

"Ok guys this isn't funny any more it's actually getting scary." I said into the silent forest.

"It's not a joke but that's not all there is more." ashton said turning to luke.

Luke sighed and looked at ashton " what do u want me to tell her?"

ash nodded his head.

"Fine. ok we have been, wait I think it would make more sense if I told you we were vampires first ha." wait wtf how is this not a joke I thought.

"Ok don't believe is then I guess we will just have to show you and I will finish my story later." luke said in a cold voice.

His eyes turned darker as he got closer and closer to me . but the others were able to pull luke off before anything happened.

"Zayn take Hannah to Ed and leg him tell her we will stay here with luke." Liam yelled helping the others hold luke back.

Zayn picked me up bridal style and in about 3 seconds we were at the front door of some ones house.this is really confusing and I have no idea what I want to believe. but I guess I have no choice but to believe that the boys are telling the truth.

The door opened and ed sheeran ( idk how u spell it sorry) answered. I know him becuase our dad's worked together in the army and he came to my house once.

"Hurry you two get inside before they see." he rushed us into his house and locked the door behind us.

" Does Hannah .. you know..." ed paused inbetween his words.

"No she doesn't and we came here becuase luke you know obviously ." zayn said back to ed.

"Well Hannah I'm sure as luke has proved we are vampires "

Wait we? I just nodded my head to get this story over with.

Ed continued "we are all royalty zayn, niall, liam, harry, louis, me, luke, ashton,calum, michael. and we are actually some of the strongest vampires around . but sense they are all royalty they all have one mate and that mate is you.not only that but we can not take our place as royalty becuase the evil queen has taken it and it's getting out of control any one who gets near her castle gets their head ripped off and then gets burned. so we need u to help us."

Wow wow wait so am I just suppose to pick one of the boys?

" Yes zayn replied " ugh I forgot

That they can do that it's starting to get on my nerves.

"Wait how can I help I'm just human? I think."I have tons of questions but I'm just going to ask ed a couple and I'll ask the boys later."and why can't you guys defeat her if you guys are the most powerful around?"

Ed sighed " becuase she is a hybrid of

Everything and our magic isn't enough to defeat her but you can you will not be human for long the boys will soon turn u but u will be bitten by all not just one and all of there venom together will creat a type of super vampire inside of you."

"Wait so am I just some kind of human sacrifice ?!?!?!?" I'm sure sounding like that.

"No Hannah we love you and that is why we are turning you. after u are a vampire and all of this is done u will pick who u marry." zayn said and after he was done he kissed me on the cheek.

"But I can't pick out of you guys zayn."

I'm so afraid of breaking one of them.

"You won't babe after u pick the rest will forget that you were ever our mate and we will have to find some one else who didn't get their mate ethier."

Zayn told me trying to make me not feel as bad about this.

He puased before speaking agian "let's get you back to our house and we will see what happens from there but for now don't worry about any of it" zayn grabbed his coat and waved by to Ed and slipped his coat on me before picking me up again and we were back at the boys house or should I say mantion.

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