Im done for.

701 22 2

All night I tossed and turned thinking about gods know what.but finally it was morning. I got dressed and put on a black skater skirt and I pink plain t shirt to go meet my old friend. I left a little early so I could find wherever it was Noel was speaking of. I went walking around. You could hear everywhere I went do to my heels click clacking on the floor.

"HANNAH!HANNAH!STOP DONT TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" I heard a voice yell only to find louis being the owner of that voice. "Do you know what your doing Hannah?"he questioned.

"Yeah....going to meet a friend...."

" We agreed no meeting people until this mess is solved."

I rolled my eyes like a three year old.
" But Lou " I gave him a pouty face.

"Come on let's go."he grabbed my shoulders and tried to turn my the other way. but I wasn't going to take no for an answere.

Right then and there some ninja skills or something came out of me. I let my heel slide across the floor until it hit his foot and he tripped then I climbed on top of him."im sorry louis you should have let me go while you had the chance ." I stroked his cheek while he struggled under me. That must have been when he remember he had powers. he pushed my off of him and threw me over his shoulder and at the same time I rolled off it. then he got really angry.

"Fine , I don't want to hurt you Hannah ." I luaghed under my breath at the thought of him hearting me. I remembered something. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a blue sand type substance and blew it in his face cussing louis to fall into a deep slumber. I ran from the scene to find where it was my freind was talking about.

When I arrived it was a gorgeous waterfall with cafe looking tables set around it. I sat at one. but Noel never came instead people on black uniforms showed up. I treid to fight back but couldn't and that's when it all went black.

Taken ( 1D and 5SOS fanfic )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora