Chapter 12

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I cried for I have no idea how long. but then I realized crying won't help anything . jumping off of luke I ran to look for my phone. maybe I dropped it while running? I followed the way i had remeber coming but no phone. maybe luke threw his in the bags we packed? I ran all over the place looking for them. I never went to far grime luke, afraid I might lose him.

I sat down beside a tree. what am I suppose to do? should I pick luke up and run? nah I wouldn't know where I'm going. should I call- wait nope can't find the phones 😪. Man I thought I had problems with figuring out if I should date luke or niall. now I have some evil bitch chasing my ass. and I don't know what I'm suppose to do I just want to go home.

"Well I can't help with the 'evil bitch up you arse ' or the 'going home' part but I think I can get you out if here atleast." I voice behind me spoke I nearly flew when I heard it! but thank The Lord it was only niall.

"NIALL!!" I ran to niall hugging him."where are the others? are they hurt? did they get captured?"

"No babe " niall chuckled that cute little laugh he does that makes me wanna die and fly over rainbows.

"Well now isn't that sweet ?" ugh niall! I totally forgot he could do that.and it's like the 40th time I've forgotten he could read minds.

"Ok. ok. Ni enough play let's help luke."

"Oh so is Ni my nick name now or something ?"

I walked towards luke grabbing his hands " grab his feet niall!"

"Ah he will be fine! let's just teleport him back or something."

"Uh niall... I think ur forgetting something.... we can't do that."

Niall put his hand and started stroking the beard he doesn't have " well not excactly.... you see I might not be able to do it but you can.

"No I can't niall. and aren't we suppose to be running from some evil queen?"

Niall nodded his head and answores "just because you don't know how to do something doesn't mean you can't do it."

I felt my cheeks burning by this point. I threw a couple of bags over my shoulders and niall threw luke over his shoulder like he was nothing to him.

"Now want me to show you how to teleport?"

"Yes! but where are we going to go and how do you know how to?"

"Louis has been giving me lessons. we don't have a certain spot right now but that's because you are going to create it. once you do so I will let the other boys know and they will meet us there."

"Uhh.... ok I'm up for it just show me how ."

Niall wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pointed outwards"just look out into the air and imagine a field with the most beautiful house in it. after that imagine tons of clothes or whatever it is girls like these days ."he chuckled it kind of scared me to imagine why he was chuckling and that's excactly why I stayed quite and tried to focuse. "sorry any way after that imagine us inside the house and if you want go ahead and imagine the others in there too."

I closed my eyes from concentrating so much but nothing happened. " when will it work?"

"It already has open your eyes babe"

I opened my eyes to find me and niall and luke standing in the prettiest house I've ever seen. it had a grand stair case and the floors were extremely shiny. where the stair cases met it even had all of our names on it. I couldn't believe this was my life." niall?"i looked at the floor while speaking.


"How are we gonna get rid of the wicked witch?" or whatever she is .

Niall laughed " it's the evil queen babe and I don't know but I think we are safe ..... atleast for tonight."

Taken ( 1D and 5SOS fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang