Part 1

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K so this is just for fun. Don't judge

Chery's POV

It was Monday morning and I was certainly not in the mood for school. I had arrived unusually early compared to the other kids but it didn't really bother me.
I just sat and scrolled through my phone as I observed the kids flowing through Riverdale high's doors. I slowly started walking through the halls heading toward my locker which to my surprise , was already occupied by a bunch of nerds.  Which lead me up to the present day.
«Move» I repeat again thinking the short boy hadn't heard me.
He turns around jittering and stumbles away without saying a word. I knew I had a pretty big reputation at this school which gave me the big advantage to get to do whatever I want , whenever I want .
I see Veronica and Betty , accompanied by Jughead, Archie and Josie. I make a strange face when I see Josie because she usually doesn't hang out with us , I mean , how could she, she isn't even close to our popularity level . I hear veronica say hey to me and I smile back knowing that she probably has some more gossip to tell me. Betty then looks at me and smiles too , without saying a word , that on the other hand is completely usual . Jughead and Archie both come laughing after the girls and faintly look. They say hi and ask me how I am before continuing their laughing fit that is caused by god knows what today. Lastly , I look at Josie. She seemed extremely shy and I could sense that she didn't want to intrude. I felt bad for her so I said hi and throw a warm smile at her. «oh my gosh , hi Cheryl, i-I'm sorry i didn't say hey earlier it's just i was waiting for you to finish with Veronica and Betty and-» I cut her off before she could finish due to lack of Interest «oh don't worry about it hun , no harm done» I say as I turn on my heels to face Veronica «so V, are we going or what» she then looks at me and then says «Oh yeah sure , I'm surprised you're handling the situation calmly though , I thought you would be much more mad»she says with a frown on her face, I could even tell she was disappointed. «what situation?»I look at her letting out a small laugh « oh you haven't heard?» she look at me surprised , I could see Betty starting to giggle behind Veronica and say «well I guess I'll leave you to tell her»Betty then laughs , taps Veronica on the shoulder and walks off to join Bughead and Archie. «um okay so are you going to tel me or not?» I say getting frustrated « oh yeah well-» she gets cut off by the loud school speakers turning on, as usual there is a high pitched noise that comes out of them causing everyone to make a small hurtful noise before we all hear the principal say « Hello students of Riverdale high , as your parents probably have already told you, the student of south side high are going to be joining our school today, I expect you all to be very respectful and welcome them with open arms. Lasagna is on today's lunch menu and don't forget to join the blue and gold as there are still many spots remaining, have a nice day» I was jaw slacked. Students of South Side high? Here? In my school? I couldn't believe it. I wasn't surprised to be the last one to get informed of this due to the lack of relationship I have with my parents, but still , I couldn't believe it. I knew about the south side very well and I absolutely hated them . I knew about all the gangs, the serpents and the Ghoulies , I knew about the drug exchanges and the murders , considering my twin brother Jason was killed by my own father and that the serpents helped cover it up . I could not stand it . I didn't know if I was going to scream or cry , maybe even both . I could hear Veronica talking to me about how annoyed she was but honestly , I wasn't even listening, all I could think about was how horrible this whole thing was , I mean , my school experience was pretty much going to be ruined. Out of the blue I finally wake up from my thoughts and I hear Veronica still talking to me about god knows what . I try listening but I really don't care that much. Then, all of a sudden , I hear a giant thud. I turn around to face the school doors and see a swarm of south spiders walking through it . Most of them were wearing black and some of them wore a south side serpent jacket. I stared at them with disgust and I could hear the whole school going silent as every single person was judging the new arrivals . Everything was going bad. I could see them laughing and smiling . They were enjoying this. I couldn't believe it , they were actually enjoying this . The south siders were taking pleasure in walking into our school, our clean and beautiful school. I was not having this. I tell Veronica to wait one second as I walk over to the group of south siders. I stare at them briefly and say «wow, you guys are even worst then I thought»
The biggest silent I've ever witnessed was made and the whole school gathered around us .
It was silent for a small moment and out of nowhere I see a small human being pop out of nowhere. I could see her coming closer to me and as she was walking , I examined her . She had faded pink hair and small curls , almost waves cascading down her back . She had deep brown eyes and caramel skin that actually look pretty soft. She was wearing a black tank top and some ripped jeans with a serpent jacket above it . Of course she had to be wearing a serpent jacket. But honestly , she was one of the prettiest people I've ever seen. I could tell she had a pretty smile and that she must be funny. I didn't really know where all of these thoughts were coming from but her eyes, they're just so-
«excuse me?»
I snapped right out of my thoughts realizing where I was and got right back into my head space.
«I said-»
She cut me off straight away and said in the driest voice I've ever heard
«oh no I heard you, I'm just giving you a chance to apologize for it or even just leave
-now why would I do that? I said letting out a cruel laugh
She looked at me not even a bit scared and said
«your name is Cheryl right? Well let me ask you something hun, do you really want to pick a fight with me?»
She looked at me straight in the eyes.
I felt pretty intimidated and simply said
«I'm not some sort of toddler unlike you , I would never fight physically with someone, I mean , I don't even have the time-
She cut me of once again which really bothered me
-well I sincerely don't care what you want and don't want , we came here because we had to , not because we wanted to , so if I were you I would stop acting like I was the queen in charge of everyone and actually start acting like a decent human being because I'm pretty sure that more that Half of the people at this school, talk to you because of how scared they are and not because they actually like you, so just leave us alone before something bad actually happens, we're not trying to get expelled on our first day here» she says laughing while  smirking
«actually I-»
And there went the bell to head to class
«see ya»
She says as she smiled at me ,but this time it wasn't a smirk or an obnoxious smile, no it was a warm and sincere one.
I didn't respond but I think that I even might have blushed a tiny bit . I would be lying if I said I didn't find her to be the cutest and hottest girl at this school; but I would never tell anyone that of course.
I feel someone pull on my shoulder and I turn around to face Veronica and Betty.
«well that was awkward»
Veronica says while laughing in a weird way that I hated.
«whenever» I say while rolling my eyes as if I didn't care but the truth was , I did care. I wanted to get to know the pink haired girl, I mean , even knowing her name would be helpful but after what I said , the chances of her liking me are down to zero . I mean , what was I even saying , since when did I want to impress someone or even merely become friends with someone, it's usually the other way around. People usually want me. I started heading to lab class which was my first class of the day. I stepped inside the classroom and sat down beside Veronica. We were lab parters which was great for me because I had a lot to talk about, at least I thought I did. I heard the Mr.Bentle starting to speak but I wasn't really listening until he said «Cheryl , I paired you up with Toni topaz, I trust you two will get along perfectly considering you both have  weirdly colored hair» he laughed at his own joke. I, on the other hand was pretty pissed off and said« um excuse me but my hair is not colored , unlike hers» I looked over at Toni expecting her to have an angry look on her face but instead, she actually looked sad. She looked genuinely hurt that I had made that comment. On regular terms I wouldn't care a bit but here , I don't know why but I felt bad, like really bad. I shouldn't have said that. I-
«so I guess we're lab partners» I turn to my side and I immediately see Toni smiling at me
«wait what?» I say in an  annoyed voice
«um, well Mr.Bentle just paired us up , you know , before he made that dumb joke and you called me out on having dyed hair»
I hadn't even realized that I was getting paired up with her , out of all people it had to be Toni topaz
« oh yeah, um, well whatever» I say desperately trying to sound cool
I could see her smile out of the corner of my eye which directly made my heart melt. I mean , where did the cold and dry Toni was just here a couple minutes ago go
«so are you good at lab? she asked me probably trying to start a conversation
-I'm pretty good I guess , I mean I'm good at everything , you should know that about me.
I said in a normal voice
She started to giggle. I repeat , giggle. I had just said the most arrogant thing ever and she giggles. I mean , when I think about it , seeing her giggle is a sight for sore eyes but it doesn't make up for the fact that juste because of her, my whole personality, authority and confidence is fading .Honestly I don't know who she thinks she is but I'm not enjoying it. I mean , i don't even feel that powerful around her. Maybe even not at all which annoys me so much considering the fact that I'm always dominant and I'm so used to being the intimidating one. How does she do it anyway?In just 30 minutes of me knowing her , I've blushed about a trillion times and have gone one and on about how cute and pretty I find her, in my head of course because telling that kind of stuff to Veronica is extremely risky, even though she's my best friend, I still don't trust her with that sort of stuff. Anyway , I'm trailing off but the main point is. I am never. Ever. Going to get along with this girl.

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