Chapter 2 ~ Missed you

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I wake up refreshed and ready for the day. I go for my shower and get dressed. Its 8 am and everyones still asleep, I go to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee and some toast. After I finish eating I walk to my car, my black Audi, my love.

I arrive at work and park my car just in front. I open the door and the smell of freshly ground coffee beans swirls in my nose. I love coffee

"Good morning Kate" Says one of my workers, Ben his name is, 24 years old and your typical barista.

"Good morning Ben, How are you today?"

"Good and you?"

"Swell" I walk past him to my office, I have so much paper work I have to do, also my quarterlies are due. Eventually everyone shows up on time. We are just a small cafe so we all know each other really well and are a family, I like to have a happy workplace for everyone.

"Hey Katie, would you like some help with that?" Says Amanda, she's 18 and a law student she always likes to help me on all the admin stuff, I like teaching her too, she really has things going for her.

"Sure Amanda" I say with a smile and pull a chair out, she does her thing and I have a moment to myself, I wonder what Mark is doing right now? Should I message him? Nah just let him be.

My day breezes through with all my work and helping out with orders, before I know it its 5pm TIME TO GO HOME! I say bye to everyone and close up shop, I unlock my car and feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around

"Hey Amanda"

"Hey, I got nothing to do tonight I thought we could get some dinner" Dinner with a employee, is that okay? "Its okay if you have something to do its just"

"No I got nothing to do, I'd like to get some dinner thanks for the invite"

"Okay cool" she smiles

"Where do you want to go?"

"Umm theres a Chinese place just there" She points across the road

"Cool lets go". We enter and the waiter gets us a table for two, we sit down and look at the menu

"So much to choose from" I say

"Yeah haha"

"I'm gonna get the chicken fried rice"

"Oh that sounds good, I'll get that too"

"Cool" I order for her and insist on paying. Our food comes within 10 minutes and looks divine, we have a good night and talk about studies and her new pet dog, such a sweet girl. She was going to catch the bus but I gave her a lift, she plugged in her phone and we listened to her rap

"So this is what the kids are listening to haha"

"Yeah haha". We arrive at her place and thanks me for dinner and the ride

"Bye bye Amanda"

"Cya Kate". I drive off and make my way home.

"Hey honey how was work?" Says mum


"You had dinner?"

"Yes with Amanda"


"Wheres Claire?"

"On the couch" I walk over to my little sis and scare her, she throws a pillow at my head

"Little shit look what I got for you" I'm laughing

"What?" I give her a small box with a strawberry cupcake in it, was one left over from work. She opens it and her face lights up

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