Chapter 8 ~ All about Mark

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The past week its been all about Mark. We have been on the phone with each other 24/7 and when its time to get off, we text. I really don't want to catch feelings for him because its wrong on so many levels. But I'm afraid I'm in too deep. Just yesterday we were on a call with each other and we didn't even speak, just play each other music and stare. What even is that? I'm loving this a bit too much, I want to distance myself but I can't, his too addictive and thing is, he cant stop either. I already know this is going to end bad, either Jack finds out or his wife does. CHRIST! I HAVEN'T SPOKEN TO JACK!

'Hi Jack, how are you?' Now I wait for a reply. Its a Sunday afternoon, he should be at home I think.

~Marks POV~

This girl, this girl has been on my mind all day! I can't concentrate at work, I just want to hold her near me. The 2 weeks coming up is going to kill me. I'm really not in holiday mode but gotta do what the wife wants to do. I grab my phone and look at mine and Kate's old messages, she's such a cute girl, I'm very jealous of Jack. I shouldn't be though, its very bad to think like this, considering I'm a happily married man with a son. My work phone rings but I don't answer it, I'm hypnotised by our messages, remembering where and what we were doing. Speaking of the devil, why hasn't she messaged me? Maybe I should message her. Every time she doesn't text me, I miss her and thats selfish of me, I know. I feel like I'm holding her back from Jack, she even said that she rather speak to me than him.

'Hi Kate, everything okay?' I stare at the screen waiting for those 3 dots to appear, but they don't. I wait for a response but I don't get one. I wonder what she's doing, probably out with Jack, I sigh at that thought. I get up out of my chair, put my phone in my back pocket and get ready for an open house inspection.

~Back to Kate~

Jack finally replies back

'Yo, me is good. Been gyming like mad' His text brings a smile to my face, his a cute guy but I don't really feel strongly about him anymore. We both have changed and we are growing apart, sad thing is, I think he feels the same way.

'Good to hear Jack'

'Yeh, Jason is havin a party this whole week coming up, we are staying in a hotel. Won't cya till the following week'

'Is Jason taking his gf? Or the other guys?'

'Yeh y?' Are you serious, he doesn't even invite me and we are meant to be a thing

'You know what, nice knowing .... I delete what I write and say

'Fine then'. I really don't care if he gets trashed, if he fucks other girls anymore, you know why? Because I'm finally happy with a man, a man thats not mine but I'm accepting that, I rather have him like this than to not speak to him. I better see if he messaged me

'Hi Kate, everything okay?' That smile appears back on my face

'Hey Mark, yeah its alright, and you?'

'Is good over here :)' I want to hear his voice, I call him

"Hi Kate" He says, his not in his office but at the front desk

"Hey, how is work?"

"Good, just came back from an open house, my receptionist is away so I'm taking all the calls now, manager went home early and the accountant is sick. Very busy day today. How are you?"

"Christ! I will let you go then"

"Please don't, I need to hear your voice" I smile at him "You look a bit sad, whats wrong?"

"Me? No I'm alright" I put on a fake smile. Just thinking about Jack

"No, somethings wrong, come on tell me, I might help" I look down at my feet "Is it Jack?" I look back up at him "It is, tut tut. Tell me"

"Its just that his going away for a week with his friends and they are taking their partners but he didn't invite me, his happy to just go out with his friends, get drunk and shit"

"Aww babe, I'm sure he will think about you, you are always on my mind"


"Yeah" He says softly and at that point I just want to kiss him "You know, you would always be on my arm if, well, you know" I blush at that thought "Ooo she's blushing haha"

"Oh shut up haha"

"Ahhh a client just walked in, give me a moment"

"I will let you get to work, talk later"

"Okay sweetie" I hang up

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