Chapter 13 ~ Cake

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In the morning I check my phone and I have a message from Mark and one from Josh

Mark 'OMG I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you!!! I was so tired though, it was almost sunrise here haha' I write back to him

'Now this is a cute pic haha, we were on the phone for hours! It was 7.30 pm when I left work'

'Damnnn!' I smile. I open Josh's message

'I want to meet you Kate, to be able to touch you is words to explain it' Mmmm the thought of us together makes me all warm and fuzzy inside and thats what I exactly write back. I get up out of bed and get ready for the day. My girlfriends are coming over for brunch and coffee, so I will find myself in the kitchen, sandwiches, mini quiches and mini cupcakes fill the room with a sensational smell. Mum, dad and Claire go shopping so that means us girls can be naughty haha. When they get here we plug in my ipod, eat and chat

Susie "Kate I really don't know what has happen to you, you are so much happier"

Sarah "Yeah I can see it too, whats happened?"

"Nothing, I'm just I don't know"

"Tell us!" Susie says with excitement. Should I really tell them?

"Its just, theres a guy"


Sarah "TELL US"

"Its nothing, just a guy on that stupid app you made me get, I just like talking to him"

Sarah "SHOW US NOW, HOW OLD IS HE, WHERE IS HE FROM, IS HE SINGLE?" Geez these girls are hyper as f!

"His older and married" They stare at me and fold their arms "WHAT?" I smirk and blush

Susie "No!" She's cross at me

"I'm only chatting, nothing bad"

Susie "You? Nothing naughty, Ha! You're a horny devil, I don't believe that" I start laughing

Sarah "Don't get hurt please, you know how I ended up"

"I know Sarah, but we are never gonna meet, plus this one is younger than your ex"

Sarah "How old?"


Sarah "By 5 years thank you very much"

Susie "Show us a pic" I find one where he really looks sexy but not inappropriate haha

Sarah "Damn girl!"

Susie "Fuck! He is hot"

"I know, see I couldn't resist"

Susie "Okay okay we get it". As the day goes on, we find ourselves singing karaoke on my tv then Susie suggests that we go out for dinner. We go to my room and go through my clothes, we all find ourselves a classy outfit and we go out! I'm wearing a skin tight short dress, Susie is wearing a black pencil skirt and a button up shirt and Sarah is wearing my white flowy dress. I drive them to a nice restaurant in the city. When we arrive we go to the bar and decide on what wine to have, mmmm a nice merlot is looking very appealing to me

"Let me buy you a drink" says this guy in his 20s to Susie

"I'm fine thanks" She says

"No, my pleasure" he hands over a note to the bartender and says "Thats for this beautiful lady"

"Susie it is"

"Nice to meet you Susie, I'm Nathan" He kisses her cheek. "Nice to meet you girls too" he adds and looks at Sarah and I, we both shake his hand

"We will let you two talk, lets go Sarah" I say and wink at Susie and she smirks. Sarah and I order our wine and walk to our tables, the sound of Sade fills the room, it gives it a classy touch. Almost erotic in the way I'm feeling, so many good looking men here all dressed up. Sarah and I order our food and we see Susie across the room with Nathan, lucky girl, his very handsome, has beautiful dark blue eyes, my favourite. Our food arrives and I dig into my grilled salmon with steamed vegetables. We chat away, reminiscing on our high school days. Those were the good times, when life was simple and care free and no worrying about some online guy or thinking about his perfect life. Here I go again, I stop myself from thinking by asking Sarah if she wants dessert. We both order the strawberry cheesecake, my my this is delicious! When we finish I get up to pay the bill. We go back to the bar and order a few more drinks. I see Nathan walking up and he taps Sarah on the shoulder

"Yes?" She asks

"My friend is a bit shy but he keeps looking at you and asking Susie about you, come over his actually really nice" Sarah looks at me as if she is asking for approval

"Go" I said to her, she smiles and hugs me. This is the usual, they always pick up and I'm left alone for the night, am I really that ugly? Not approachable? Who knows. I listen to the music and drink my watered down alcohol. I look at all the couples here, I wonder if any of them are online behind the others back, probably, what is loyalty these days, what is love? Why am I thinking this? Why am I so twisted in the head? I check my phone and I have a few messages from Mark

'Hi kate'

'How are you?'

'Katieee' I message him back

'Hi Mark, just out for dinner with my friends'

'Oh okay, why didn't you show me what you were wearing hmm?'

'Soz, wait a minute'

'???' I walk to the bathroom and look for a mirror, I find a full length one, yes! I take a pic and send it to him

'Oh my god you are looking fineeeee! Damn sexy lady'

';) xoxo'

'How is my beautiful Katie?'

'Alright, waiting to go home'


'They both found dates here'

'Aww you lonely'



'Tis okay' I walk back and see the girls and their dates standing up, they look over and call me

Susie "Katie, can you drop us off at Nathan's place" Yep, always use me as a taxi

"Everyone gets their piece of cake and I always get nothing aye" I chuckle

"Cause you don't want anyone, you always say no, I've tried hooking you up so many times but...."

"Yeah cause" I shrug, why am I so difficult? I drive them and drop them off, they are gonna be having sex and I'm just gonna be in my bed with my hand down my pants as usual.

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