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T.W. Misgendering someone.

Virgil lingered by their locker, glancing down the hall to where their boyfriends were stood talking, waiting for them to walk back over. They smiled fondly. They wanted to walk back to them, but at the same time, they were content to observe. They liked seeing how they interacted with one another when they weren't around.

They closed their locker, books in hand, and walked to their boyfriends, a small smile lingering on their lips.

Like most mornings, they leaned against Logan, who held them loosely, so they could leave if they got overwhelmed, but tight enough that they knew they were wanted there.

They smiled as they listened to Patton go on about his dog, and they felt as though they could fall asleep then and there.

"Are you alright?" They heard Logan mumble in their ear, and they nodded, not wanting to disturb Patton talking, but wanting to be able to face Logan, and talk to him.

They turned around in Logan's hold, and smiled when he pecked their lips. Not wanting the affection to end, they reconnected their lips, partially forgetting about their other boyfriends, partially just needing a distraction from how tired they felt.

When they parted, Virgil flushed, and glanced at Roman and Patton, who were still talking amongst themselves.

"I'm tired." They admitted, and rest their head in the crook of Logan's neck, not wanting to leave his side.

"How much sleep did you get?"

"Not enough."

"A numerical answer?"

"Four hours?" They sighed, and let their eyes close, enjoying the warmth from Logan, and not caring about the fact that they were in school.


"I know, I'm sorry, my mother was being a little... Overbearing, and I ended up having trouble getting to sleep."

"I wish you would let us help you."

"I don't want to be a bother. It wakes you guys up, and I don't like doing that."

"Next time, please wake me."

"I'll see."

The bell rang before Logan could protest, and Virgil was silently thankful, they didn't want to have to talk to Logan about it, not because of who he was, but because they didn't know what to say.

Roman and Virgil soon departed from Patton and Logan, not particularly thrilled about having to be away from their boyfriends, but knowing they had to.


During the day, Virgil only got misgendered twice, and that was by two teachers who forgot to ask them what colour they were wearing. They were pleasantly surprised, and admittedly rather happy about it.

They smiled as they walked home, hand in hand with Patton, whilst Logan and Roman were discussing something about Science, one of the few classes Patton and Virgil didn't share with the two of them.



"Can I stay at yours tonight? Please?"

"What's wrong, Virge?"

"I just can't face her. I need time away, please? Plus, it's Friday, and we usually spend the night at one another's."

"Of course, do you want to ask Roman and Logan too?"

"If you don't mind?"

"Of course I don't!" Patton smiled, and the four continued their walk, halting when they got to Patton's house.

"Why did we stop, don't we normally go to the park?" Roman spoke up, and glanced between his boyfriend and date mate. Virgil smiled weakly, and laced his fingers with Patton's before reaching for Roman, wanting to hold his hand too.

"We do, but we were wondering if the two of you would like to have a sleepover tonight? Virgil needs to get out of the house for a night, and they wondered if you wanted to join too."

"I would love to."

"It sounds adequate."

The four stopped at each of their houses, and picked up everything they needed for the following day, making sure to double check it all.

Eventually, they made it back to Patton's room, and lay sprawled across the floor, not really caring to talk about much.

It was a while before anyone spoke up, and that someone was Roman, curiosity getting the better of him, and he looked to Virgil, who had their eyes closed, and were laying across Logan.

"How do you know which gender you are?" He spoke up, and Virgil opened their eyes, sitting up so they could look at him.

"How do you know you're male?"

"It just feels right."

"There you go." They smiled fondly, and watched as realisation settled across Roman's features.

"Why did you choose those colours?" Patton glanced over at them, and smiled weakly.

"Halloween." They replied, and leaned against Logan once more.

"Virge?" Roman spoke again after a minute.

"Hm?" Their eyes had closed again, and they didn't really want to talk, but it seemed as though their boyfriends had other ideas.

Logan tightened his grip around Virgil's waist, subconsciously, wanting to make sure they were okay, but also wanting them to stay closer.

"Come cuddle?"

"You come here." They frowned, clearly comfortable leaning against Logan. Roman huffed, but didn't question it, and walked over to them, joining in the cuddles.

Virgil found it odd, Roman never asked for cuddles, he just randomly pulled them in for hugs and stuff, usually, so him asking to cuddle usually meant something was wrong.

Virgil moved so they were sat on Roman's lap, whilst still being close to Logan, and buried their face in Roman's red hoodie.

"I love you." He mumbled, and Virgil looked up at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just need cuddles."

"Oh. I love you too." They smiled, and buried their face in Roman's chest, smiling as he held them close.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, just... When you ask for cuddles, normally something is wrong. You wouldn't normally ask, you'd just join."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I'm a bit tired."

"It's fine, Ro, really, you don't need to justify it."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive." They smiled, and leaned up to connect their lips, smiling when Roman held them closer.

The kiss was short, but it was all they both needed, and it wasn't long before they both fell asleep.

1014 words

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Take care

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