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T.W. Mild Panicking.

Just as he was drifting back off to sleep, Virgil felt a hand in his hair, causing him to wake up, and look up at Patton, who smiled fondly at him.

"Wassup?" He mumbled, and buried his face in Patton's chest.

"Do you want food?"

"Mhm..." Virgil mumbled against Patton's chest, and looked up at him, once more, smiling when Patton cupped his cheek. "Kiss me." Virgil managed out, and Patton complied.

Their lips met, and it didn't take long for Virgil to be sat upright, with his arms around Patton's shoulders. Patton's arms made their way around Virgil's waist, sliding under the blazer he was still wearing.

Virgil's fingers tangled themselves in the ends of Patton's hair, smiling as Patton pulled him slightly closer, leaving no room between them.

Virgil hummed slightly, and pulled away slightly, giving them just enough room to breathe, yet still feel the ghost of the other's breath on their lips.

"I love you." Patton murmured, and Virgil smiled, blushing slightly.

"I love you too." He mumbled, and closed the small gap between them, gasping slightly as Patton traced circles into his side.

"Guys, are you-" Roman stopped, realising what he was walking in on, and went to walk away, but Virgil pulled away from Patton, and glanced at Roman.

His cheeks were red, and he was clearly uncomfortable about walking in on his boyfriends, even though they all agreed it wasn't anything to be worried about, they all loved one another.

"Are we what?" Virgil asked, standing up, and walking to Roman, feeling slightly guilty. "I'm sorry." He mumbled after he'd reached Roman, taking his hand, and smiling weakly.

"Logan wanted to know if you were going to come for breakfast?"

"Yeah, sorry." Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, and his cheeks tainted an even darker pink. "I just have to change, I'm kind of uncomfortable."

"Yeah, that's fine. I uh... I'll see you downstairs?"

"Yeah, sure." Virgil wasn't sure why it was suddenly so awkward between him and Roman, well, he had an idea, but that wouldn't have made it awkward, would it?

Patton came up behind him, and pressed a kiss to his temple, before walking with Roman to the kitchen leaving Virgil alone with his thoughts.

Did him having a panic attack, over how Roman was holding him, cause a rift between them? Was he going to make it hard for Patton and Logan now?

He shook his head, and rummaged in his bag for his hoodie. No. No no no no. Please, no. I can't have forgotten it.

He emptied out his bag, and searched through everything, yet found nothing. He groaned and threw his notebook at the wall, pulling his knees to his chest. "Why today? Of all days? I need it, and I can't..." He felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes, and he wiped them away. "Idiot." He muttered, and grabbed his t-shirt and jeans, before rushing to the bathroom to change.

He hated wearing the t-shirt without his hoodie, but what could he do? Patton didn't have anything he could borrow.

He stared at his bare arms and sighed, it would have to do.

A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts, and he called out for them to enter.

Roman smiled, and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist. "You're taking a while, are you okay?"

"I can't believe how stupid I am. I checked, and double checked, and I could have sworn I had everything, but no, I forgot my hoodie, and now I'm going to be so uncomfortable, and the whole reason I wanted to change was so I would be less uncomfortable, and it's just not going to happen."

"Hey, hey, V." Roman frowned, and turned him around, so their gazes locked. "I have a hoodie if you want to borrow it, well, it's a jacket, but I'm sure it's going to be just as good as a hoodie. Plus, you're smaller than me, so it'll be over-sized, just like you prefer." Roman cupped his cheek, and traced his cheekbone slightly.

"You'd do that?"

"Of course I would, I love you, and I may not be the best when it comes to cuddling with you, but I will do anything to make you comfortable. I'm sorry I can't cuddle you the way you prefer, I wish I could, I just don't have that kind of control whilst I'm asleep."

"Ro... I just... I'm sorry, I wanted to cuddle, but I couldn't, and I panicked, and I..."

"I know, it's okay." He pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek, causing him to stop talking, and blush a deep shade of red.

"Stop doing that." He threatened, though it was an empty threat, and they both knew it.

"What?" He pressed another kiss to Virgil's cheek, causing the redness to darken. "This?" He pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose.

"Yes. You know what you're doing." Virgil looked down, trying not to look at Roman, knowing if he did it would make him more flustered.

"I'm just making sure you know how amazing you are, no matter what." Roman tilted his head up, and pressed a kiss to his lips, holding him close.

Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders, kissing him back.

Though the kiss was short, Virgil still ended up a blushing mess, and burying his face in Roman's chest.

"Can I have that jacket now?" He mumbled, and felt Roman press a kiss to the top of his head.

"Of course. I love you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I love you too." Virgil smiled, and followed Roman to his bag, where he pulled out the red varsity type jacket, and draped it over Virgil's shoulders.

"Here you go, love." Roman pressed a quick kiss to his lips, Virgil making sure to make it last a bit longer than Roman had intended.

"Thank you." He mumbled after they parted, smiling as Roman was at a loss for words.

"Yeah... It's okay." He managed out, and Virgil reached to lace their fingers together.

"You hungry?" He asked, and looked up at Roman, who nodded. They smiled and shared another quick kiss before they walked to the kitchen, ready to make breakfast with their boyfriends.

1047 words

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Take care

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