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"You what?"

"I can't find my planner!" I exclaim, panicked.

"Jo, our flight leaves in an hour. Now's not the time to start losing shit."

We had spent most of our time after the premiere doing interviews, promotional tours, or spending quality time together as a couple. Now, Hero and I were getting ready to fly to Atlanta to begin filming for the second movie.

"It had our tickets in it!"

"Of course it did." Hero groans.

I glare up at him. "You know, maybe I'd have a better chance of finding it if you weren't just standing there staring at me."

"I don't know, I'm kind of enjoying this." He grins.

I roll my eyes and continue the pursuit for my planner.

Where the hell could it be?

"Where was the last place you saw it?" I hear Hero's voice call from the other side of the room.

For some reason, that question always made me even more frustrated than I always was when I lost something. Obviously I don't remember where I put something if I was looking for it.

"Found it." I hear him say.

My head shoots up from behind the bed and I see him waving the planner back and forth. "Where was it?"

"Under the bed."

"I wonder how it-"

"Never mind how it got there we have to go." Hero laughs.

I swipe the planner from him. "Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah."

We make our way out of the hotel room after grabbing the rest of our bags. Anna had sent a driver for us, as usual, to bring us to the airport.

When we got there, there are a few people with cameras waiting outside for a celebrity to show up at the airport.

It amazed me that people could just sit and waste their life away waiting to take a picture of someone.

When they spot Hero and I, we're greeted with the familiar flashing of lights and cameras being shoved in our faces. Things had changed for us since we began dating publicly. We had become subjects to rumors and being followed around constantly.

It was hard for me to say that I wasn't bothered by it. But this was the decision that Hero and I made, and we were going to stick by it.

Once we are past TSA, we were free from the swarm of paparazzi. We made our way to the gate and waited to board.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Hero sighs.

I look up at him. "What?"

"Being followed everywhere I go."

As much as I tried to pay no mind to it, I knew I wouldn't be getting used to it anytime soon either.


Our plane landed later that evening in a complete downpour. Typical summer night in Atlanta I suppose.

We had another driver who brought us to set. It feels like a lifetime ago since we filmed the first movie. So much has happened since then, it makes me wonder what's in store for us this summer.

Once we pulled into the university carpark the rain had slowed a bit, so we were able to get to our trailers without getting entirely soaked.

Hero and I decided to stay in separate trailers, even though we were a couple.

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