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Present day...

(Hero's POV)

The cafeteria was quiet when I came in for supper tonight. Aside from Sam and Darren, who just recently joined the cast for this film, it was dead in here.

"How're things going with you and Jo?" Sam asks.

I shrug. "Pretty good."

"Pretty good? Damn, that sounds pretty shitty." He laughs.

"Piss off." I growl at him.

"Hey, take it easy." Sam says, eyeing me. "Everything okay?"

I shrug again. I really should stop shrugging. It's such a noncommittal gesture. "Yeah, it's just... I don't know, it's different now that we're officially a couple. Not in a bad way just... different."

"Well, I'm sure whatever it is, it'll work itself out. Josephine is an amazing girl. You're so lucky to have her." Darren says with a bleached white smile.

I know I'm lucky, dickhead.

I nod at him, biting my tongue. Darren was just like his character was, overly charming and arrogant. He seemed to get along well with the cast and crew, however.

Especially Josephine.

Of course he got along with Josephine. Why wouldn't he, the bastard.

Fucking Darren.

"Well, I better head to set. Later." I say, mostly to Sam. But Darren gets up and follows me out.

"Looks like we've got a scene to film together, Hero." He says, slapping me on the back.


I quickly paced towards set, hoping I'd lose him somewhere along the way, but he was able to keep with my long strides.

Josephine was already there, in her outfit for the scene.

Bloody hell did she look hot.

Her hair was curled, and her makeup was heavier than usual. She was wearing a navy-blue dress that hung perfectly on her curves. The dress wasn't revealing at all, with the skirt of the dress coming down to her knees while the sleeves came down to her elbows. It was simply the fact that the material perfectly captured the beauty of this woman's perfect body.

I almost felt ashamed to be standing next to such beauty, being dressed in all black and a pair of converse.

Thankfully it was only for the scene, or I would've attempted to look a little more presentable.

Josephine wraps her arms around my waist before kissing my cheek and I could see Darren shift uncomfortably out of the corner of my eye.

Josephine turns and smiles at him. "Ready for the scene?"

Darren smiles at Jo as if he were elated that she actually asked his opinion on something. "Of course! It's always a pleasure shooting a scene with you guys."

Jenny meets up with us and instructs us to get take our places.

I stand behind the cameras, waiting for my cue while Jo and Darren get into their places on set.


"I'm coming!" Jo shouts, nearing the door. She opens it and finds Darren there, holding her phone.

"I think our phones were switched." He says with a laugh.

"What?" Jo asks with a puzzled expression before stumbling back. She was supposed to be intoxicated at the moment.

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