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The phrase 'history repeats itself' is often thrown around, but I'd never felt the need to apply it to a situation until now. Hero hadn't spoken to me for over a week, aside from our scenes together. I hated that he didn't let me explain what had happened with Dylan, but then again, I didn't give him much time to explain his side of the story in London.

I was getting what I deserved for not telling him the truth.

And it killed me.

I did however hear about Katherine, through my mum however. She was home. That's all I was really told, but I was relieved that she was safe.

I sat in my chair waiting for Hero to show up so we could shoot our first scene, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Josephine!" I hear Anna call to me.

I turn my head and smile slightly at her. "Hey."

"Where the hell is Hero? He was supposed to be here ten minutes ago. He's not answering his phone."

I shrug my shoulders. "To be honest, Anna. I don't know. We haven't really been speaking lately."

Anna frowns. "What? Why?"

"It's a long story." I shake my head. "But don't worry, we're not going to let our personal issues get in the way of our acting."

"Jo..." Anna begins, but before she can continue there's a loud crash from the set.

We quickly turn our heads towards the sound, and I'm shocked to see Hero, stumbling over himself.

Oh no.

"Where the hell have you been?" Jenny demands as she rushes over to clean up the shards of glass from the lamp that fell.

"S-Sorry." He mumbles. Anna and I walk towards him and once I get a closer look at his dilated, bloodshot eyes I knew in an instant that he was drunk.

"Are you serious?" Anna hisses at him, taking his face in her hands. She inspects his eyes before pulling away. "You can't film like this."

"I'll be fine." He whines, and I roll my eyes.

Anna narrows her eyes. "You are not going in front of a camera looking like that. Wait right here and don't touch anything."

She quickly grabs my arm and pulls me behind her as we head towards the infirmary. "I think now would be a great time to explain to me what's happening, don't you?"

"We got into a fight! It's nothing, but..." I let out a heavy sigh, hearing the unsteadiness in it.

Anna puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. "What happened?"

"Long story short, Dylan told me that he used to have feelings for me and then he and Katherine embark on this week long romance that's soon ruined by my warning to Katherine that Dylan may only be using her, then Dylan kissed me at the club that night and Hero found out and now he's pissed at me so I feel like we're going to go through the same thing that we did last year." I say in one long breath before beginning to cry.

Anna puts her arms around me. "Shhhh, it's going to be okay."

I wipe my fingers underneath my eyes. "He's only spoken to me while we're filming, Anna. I don't think that's considered 'okay'."

"Look, Hero is temperamental. We know that, but I'm sure he'll come around. He needs time, just like you did. He loves you though, that's never going to change."

I nod my head, not bringing myself to look her in the eyes. I hope she's right.

I can't go through what I went through last year with him.

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