Los Angeles.

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(Jo's POV)

My alarm went off early the next morning around six. I quickly reach over and shut it off before waking Hero. I get out of the bed and make my way into the bathroom. This afternoon, I was doing a photoshoot for Elle magazine and I was so nervous I felt sick to my stomach. Elle magazine was one of the leading magazines in fashion, beauty, and culture. When I had gotten the call, I literally screamed... much to Hero's dismay.

After showering, I put on a pair of jeans and a sweater. I was told that I would be prepped at the studio, so I didn't put on too much makeup. After sliding on my Keds, I make my way out of bathroom. I smile when I see Hero still sound asleep on his stomach, his arm outstretched over the spot where I used to be.

I decide not to wake him to let him know that I was heading out. Instead I slowly walk towards the bed, lean down, place a kiss on his head, and quietly leave the room.

I meet my driver out front and he opens the door for me. I hop in the car before he walks around and gets in himself. "How're you today, Miss?" He asks.

"Fine, thanks." I smile.

"There's bottled water in the cupholders for your convenience." He tells me.

I shrug and help myself.

We arrive about twenty minutes later to Elle's Los Angeles headquarters. The building was several stories high and made of reflective glass that the rising sun reflected off of. I make my way inside, taking in the atmosphere around me. The lobby was very open with white leather and wooden furniture. The receptionist's desk had a blue tiled wall behind it with water running down. The woman greeted me with a smile. She had pastel purple hair and a star tattoo following the arch of her right eyebrow. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I'm here for a photoshoot at noon. Langford is the name."

She begins to type away at her computer before looking back at me. "Okay, if you would just have a seat; Justine's assistant will be with you momentarily."

I nod before taking a seat. I reach over to the coffee table in front of me and swipe through the different magazines. My hands cease when my fingers trace over a familiar face.


I turn my head to the side, quizzingly as I pick up the magazine. She was on the cover of last month's issue of Elle.

"How Julia deals with her new-found fame. Dirty little secrets and more!" It read.

Before I can open the magazine, I hear a woman's voice call my name. I turn my head and see a woman with crimson hair and colorful tattoos covering her arms and legs. "Hi Josephine, I'm Carine." She smiles at me.

"Hello." I nod back.

"Follow me please."

I follow her down a long hallway until we come to an elevator. She presses her finger on the button for the top floor. "Welcome to Elle's Los Angeles headquarters. We're so happy to have you."

"Thanks. It's an honor to be here." I admit.

When we step into the elevator, there was soft jazz music playing. Behind me, was a glass window that looked out onto the coast as we flew up.

When the doors open, we walk into a studio with several backdrops and props set up. In the corner was a small station for hair and makeup and next to it were several racks holding clothes. A woman with long black hair slicked up into a high ponytail walks towards us. She wore a black romper with a red leather jacket and red pumps. Her brows had such a high arch that I almost thought she was angry for a second.

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