The Angel

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"Arthur!" the angel general snapped. I immediatly woke up from my dream.

'Damn... That was the dream that I'm trying to figure out...' I thought. It was the one with the blonde girl, very beautiful, walking out of the ocean. I've been having this dream for a while now.

The general apperently thought he hadn't made his point, so he grabbed me by the wings and painfully hauled me up to the front of what was considered Angel Droppout School.

"What're you doing, princess? Look alive! You get the luck of going to Earth next!" General Death, as everyone called him, yelled as he picked me up by my wings. I wondered if he realized that it hurts when he does that. Dammit, he has wings too and he knows that there are nerve endings in them. But then what he said had finally sunken in and jolted me out of my sleepy stupor. I am going to Earth. Of all the angels here, I was chosen to get out of this horribe place! Eat that, droppouts! And then of course I remember that there is always a catch for getting to go back to Earth.

So rather than beat around the bush, I just ask "What's the catch? There's always a damn catch."

"You for one didn't do anything wrong, idiot! If you had been listening rather than catching up on beauty sleep you would know. And the head angels gave you a job not even you could screw up." General Death yelled at me.

"So I'm going to be watching over a damn mythical?" The mythicals are all of the creatures that humans don't know exist, like angels. They didn't get into much trouble, unless they were demons. Other than the girl in my dream, which was undoubtably a mermaid, I hated other mythicals.

"No, princess! You are going to be watching over a mermaid halfwit! I feel sorry for her because she has such a dumbass angel like you to try to save her!" General barks.

"A danger job?" I ask. Those are usually assigned to non-failures.

"No. But being a mythical she has to be watched. By the way princess, I'm going to push you down because you got wings so fly you pussy, and I have always wanted to push you off of the clouds, and your mind will give you directions like a GPS! So get out!" General pushed me off the edge and I reflexively let my wings fly out and soared in the direction my mind told me I needed to be. Just as I was pushed, I was that asshole Marax, an albino angel, laughing hysterically over my mythical assignment.

I landed on some beach that my head told me was in a teeny town right near busy as heaven San Francisco.

'Wait... This is the beach! That one in my dream! There is the pier and everything...' Suddenly there was a disturbance in the water as the woman from my dream half-waddled up because there were still scales making her decently covered. She managed to get to right under the pier, where she disappeared to for a few moments. When she reappeared, she was dresses in a flowy skirt the color of the ocean she had just come from and a simple white top. She had bright blue eyes that I personally thought would look really nice next to my emerald green ones-wait. What was I thinking? Dammit all she was my charge! The painful twinge in my heart told me she was my charge. Since I was invisible unless I wanted to be seen, I carefully walked behind her as to not whack into any unsuspecting human, even if there were almost none because it was raining. I would have to obtain clothes if I wanted to be seen. The traditional white and gold toga-dress and sandals wouldn't cut it for this world. I flew off and carefully removed a pair of semi-formal trousers from off the beach. 'Sorry, but I need these.' I apologized in my head. I followed the mermaid to her apartment near a school. I automatically checked for humans, then made myself visible, wings and all, and knocked on the door.

When my charge opened the door, her eyes widened, and she ushered me inside. "Angel, what are you doing here?" she asked. She had the most lovely voice I had ever heard.

It took a few moments for me to register she asked me something, to which I replied, "You are my assigned charge. I'm your guardian angel."

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