The Second Day

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I awoke once again to my very annoying, very stupid alarm clock. I slammed my fist down on it and my morning continued the same way it had yesterday. But today I wore a pair of Wet Seal skinny jeans and a Old Navy Perfect Tank that was plain pink. I showed off my boobs really well and that was good and bad. And lets be honest, nearly all my shirts showed off my boobs. That's what happens when they get big. I wore my sky blue Vibram Five Finger™ shoes and my morning was the same including a Starbuck's. My dad didn't blare music this time and yet I still got many stares. I felt like screaming. I knew it just because I haven't lived here my whole life and all but still! Didn't their moms teach them not to stare? "Hey. Earth to Delilah." A hand waved in front of my face.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked shaking my head. I had been lost in thought. I was thinking about my new ball less secret admirer. And I will admit I was also thinking abou Alex. My secret admirer had texted me this morning. Who was he? Why me? How did he get my number?

"Dude! Stop zoning out! Focus! Did you even here a word I just said?" Skye said sighing.

"No sorry. I got weird texts lately. I have a secret admirer." I said the same time I reached my locker. I put in the combination-37, 34, 30- and yanked it open. A little note fluttered.

"What? Did you just say a secret admirer? And what is that? A poem? Could you get anymore cliché?" Skye said.

"I know, right?" I agreed.

"Totally." Almost as if on cue, Xander comes around the corner talking to Marcus. "Hey guys!" Skye yelled.

"Shhhhh! Are you crazy? Don't call them over!" I whisper yelled. But it was too late. They were already here. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I slowly turned around. "Hi Xander. Hey Marcus." I say awkwardly. "What's up?"

"Oh we were just on our way to Mr. Ferro's room. And he was telling me about how he broke up Stasia." Marcus said.

"You two broke up? Why did no one tell me? This calls for a celebration!" I said looking around.

"I tried to tell you then you went all zoned out and 'I have secret admirer' on me." Skye said irritated that she didn't get to tell me. I gave her hug and I gave Marcus a hug. Then I walked over to Xander.

"And as for you," I began and I gave him a big, huge, painful, boob crushing hug. Then he looked like he was constipated or fighting with himself. I couldn't tell and didn't care. I was in such a good mood. "So when did you break up?" I asked him.

"Detention yesterday. She started mouthing off about you. Calling you a bitch, a freak, a demon which you so aren't, and a whole bunch of other derogatory names like Jew killer." Skye said.

"She called me a Jew killer?" I asked hurt.

"Yeah. Because of your blonde hair and blue eyes. And that's what Hitler-" Xander began.

"No I got it but I can't believe she would say something like that." I felt my eyes tearing up. My eyes have to be the same saffire blue as my mom's. "It's just so awful!" Xander wrapped his arms around and whispered

"Shhhhh. It's ok. It's fine. She's just a bad person. You are better than her." He was gently rocking me back and forth. I hear the bell ring but it's distant like I am miles away. I pull back and dry my eyes.

"Ok. Lets go to class." I said but I lost conviction when my voice cracked.

"It's ok, Delilah." Xander hugged me again.

"Hey! No public displays of affection." I hear a hateful voice hiss out. I peek out around Xander and when she sees me she yelps and runs back into her classroom. I smile to myself.

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