The Meetings

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I was so happy to see my best friend! I hadn't seen her since she went out with that one guy who broke her poor simple heart. But I know I shouldn't underestimate her. She's cunning, smart, not a simpleton, and capable of just about anything. We walked down the beach and I told her the whole story starting with when my parents told me to take a vacation on dry land.

"Ok so I had been having nightmares and stuff. I have been screaming stuff like 'Arthur!' and 'Help me!' which as you know I don't need help and didn't know an Arthur." I start.

"Well, that part about not needing help..." She begins but I interupt her.

"That was 1 time and it wasn't my fault I got caught in that net. Merfolk getting caught in nets is like drunk drivers ok? Not our fault." I explain even though I already know that she knows this.

"Ha ha. I was just kidding. Continue on with your story." She encourages me.

"Ok. So I get to land and arrive here and get my clothes. And when I get back and start walking to my apartment I feel someone or something watching me the whole way."


"And I shrug it off and continue walking and when I get to my apartment and sit down on the couch someone knocks on the door, right."


"And when I open the door there's an angel (literally) on the other side!" We have reached my favorite beach café and decide to have lunch.

"Oh my God no way!" She says really fast.

"I know, right! So he has messy sandy blonde hair, no shirt on, wings out and Oh my Posidien he is sooooo hot and muscley."

A waiter walks up and asks, "What can I get you 2 ladies to drink?" He is obviously trying to seduce us.

"Root beer." We both say at the same time and then we giggle.

He walks off and I feel eyes on my back and a weird twinge in my heart. I look around and I see Arthur! I run to him and yell "Arthur!" as I do. He looks at me like he is really surprised to see me. I throw my arms around his neck and squeeze him hard. I am sitting in his lap and I look up at him and smile. I feel like a little girl on Christmas morning. Now Annabel can meet Arthur! "Hi honey." I say burying my head in his chest. When I hear a voice that I know all too well say,

"Well, well, well, just the little mermaid we were talking about." I can hear the evil smirk in his voice.

"We were not talking about her." Arthur growls pulling me closer. I shift and turn my body to face the demon. He looks scarier than I remember.

"Marax? What is he doing here? Why are you here wih him?" I look up at him and ask.

"Marax?" Annabel's voice cracks the tension that was so thick you could cut it.

"Annabel?" His smirk dissappears and there is a new emotion in his voice that isn't evil.

"You know him?" I ask her acussingly. She looks down. "Do you know him?" I ask again with more force than before.

"Yes." She mumbled.

"What the Hell is going on here?" Marax asks the question that is going through everyone's head.

"Well obviously, you called me hear to ask me something and for whatever reason I came. Anise and..." Arthur begins to answer Marax in a forced calm voice. He looks at Annabel questioningly.

"Annabel." She says.

"Annabel are friends I am guessing and were hanging out together. And we ran into them. Although, how they know each other or how you know Annabel I can't answer." He continues and finishes in rhe same even tone.

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