Chapter 4: A Storm Coming

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Namjoon looked around the barren room. The air was thick with moisture. It smelled of damp earth and mildew. The zip tie in his wrists was starting to become uncomfortable, but there wasn't anything he could do. The one day that they weren't prepared. They had no hair pins, no hooks, no friction and heat resistant rope. Nothing.

"What the fuck are they thinking?!" Jimin growled from his place on the floor, "They can't do this. I mean Soo-ah jumps when someone yells!"

"Don't underestimate her, Jimin. Soo-ah's seen the underground and stared into it with a resolute heart and unwavering confidence." Jin spoke up. He was righting himself into a sitting position, "She looked me in the eyes and said she wasn't scared."

"Soo-ah doesn't account for our fiancées, Jin!" Taehyung yelled at the oldest, "Mi-sun is a shy and jumpy girl! How the hell is she going to raise a weapon to anyone?! Kyung-soon is a sweet, gentle girl! How the fuck is she going to fight?! Sun-mi and Ji-ah are the clumsiest people on earth! How are they going to sneak around?! Hae-won is indecisive and kind! How is she going to force information from anyone?! Eun-kyung is quiet and reserved! How would she ever be able to put herself forward enough to lead?!"

The room was quiet for a long time. No one moved. It seemed as though no one even breathed.

"It's in her blood," Yoongi was the one who broke the silence, "Eun-kyung was born into the underground. It's in her DNA." The whole room looked at the man who was curled into a corner. He was more anxious than all of them combined. Eun-kyung wasn't supposed to be in this situation and it was (he felt) his recklessness that had beckoned the seven girls into the underground. "Her father did business with mine. The two largest gangs in Daegu worked side by side. Her father sent her to Seoul when she was twelve, but I've seen how much of her dad lives in her. I just heard it when we talked. She's determined to get us back and she'll go to any length to do it. I'm sure the others feel the same."

Namjoon smiled a little. He pictured the girls sitting at their desks in the basement pouring over their notes. He pictured them sitting at the large oak table and discussing strategies. He saw them stalking the streets, the lower ranking members at their sides.

"They'll be fine," He spoke, his deep dimples making an appearance, "They have our notes and our subordinates. They just have to learn fast otherwise..."

The leader was cut off as the door opened and a man dressed in all black stalked in. His build was stocky, yet muscular. He had a lantern jawline. He kind of looked like the stereotypical villain. His large hand reached out and grabbed  Yoongi by the collar and dragged him out of the room. The remaining boys watched the door expectantly. No sound came from outside. After what seemed like forever, the door opened again. A bloody and torn Yoongi, who was no longer in restraints, was thrown back in. The door was then slammed and locked.

"Yoongi!" Jin exclaimed as the other coughed and choked, blood dripping from his lips, "What did they do to you?"

"It's a ransom kidnapping," Yoongi choked, "But thy want more than money. They want our empire and they're willing to kill us to get it."

The girls gasped a bit. The kickback was a big stronger than they expected but,

"That was fantastic," A girl who had been training under Jungkook spoke, " You handled the recoil well. Your feet were at a great position. One foot set back behind the other, your shoulders and head forward." The girls watched her and nodded taking in the information. "However, to keep the weapon a bit flatter as you shoot, roll the elbow of the hand not on the trigger inward." She demonstrated and shot in succession. All the bullets hit exactly where she wanted them. "It'll  make it way easier to hit your target as you aren't recovering every time you take a shot."

The girls reloaded their weapons and followed the instruction they were given and after all of the bullets were shot they smiled at their improved accuracy.

"An important thing to remember," the instructor spoke, "especially for you guys, is that you don't have to shoot to kill. Of course you can, but you don't have to." The girls nodded as they walked away from the range. Waiting for them at the entrance was the two men that they were certain they could trust. They once again covered their faces.

"You all will split up now," one spoke, "You'll learn specific skills in a crash course, we'll meet in the basement of your home and then when the sun comes up, we'll be gone."

The girls tightened their jaws under their masks. Their eyes narrowed in determination. They nodded once to one another before heading their separate ways. Fists clenched at their sides, their shoulders back, their strides full of power, only one thing was on their mind.

Whoever took their boys from them was going to pay. Whatever it took, they were getting their boys back. No matter who they had to go through, what they had to endure, someone took what was theirs and there was a storm coming their way.

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