Part 1

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===Ed and Al (age 6 and 5 respectively)===

"Haah...haaaa...haaaa-! Gah!" - Ed was lost and scared.

He had been running through the dark forest for a long time before he finally tripped on a crooked root and fell. He scrambled to his feet and winced, his ankle was sprained.

'No! I-I can't! I have to keep running and get back to mom and Al. I have to. I can't die here!'

He heard the sound of footsteps cruching leaves behind him and the bark of a dog. He goes even faster, almost as if his ankle is alright. He heard the sound of flowing water in front of him and soon in front of him was a river. He either had to jump or let himself be captured. He hesitated for a bit but that has enough for his pursuer to spot him.

"Get him!" - a deep gravelly voice shouted.

The dog's leash was released and it bolted towards Ed. Ed was scared and ran towards the river but the dog was faster than the boy. The german shepherd mix viciously bit and pulled him by the calf. He tried to get free but was futile. His pursuer calmly walked towards him. The tall and bearded man, with hairy arms, dishelved appearance, boots and long coat approached the boy, in his hand was a metal pipe.

"Damn brat! You gave me too much trouble! Good thing you are useful, otherwise yer brain would've been splattered long ago. Let go!" - he shouted.

The dog let go but before Ed could do anything, the man hit him hard on the head with the pipe. Ed blacked out by the time his head smacked the hard, damp grownd.


He was hurting, he was cold...he couldn't move...where was he...? Ed tried to look around but couldn't see. He tried to shout but was gagged. As he came to, he realized he was blindfolded, tied up and on something hard and cold. He shifted a bit and, yep, it was stone.

'Wwhere am I?!!....!!...I've been captured by that bad man again. And he's tied me up this time. Damn!'


"Ed! Where are you going?"

"I'm going out for a bit mom!"

"OK, but don't go too far and stick to routes you know! Your brother is sick and I have to watch him, so would you be kind and get some bread from Pinako's house?"

"Yes, I'll mom!"

Ed happyly ran out. He played around a bit and was about to go and see Winry at her house when he saw a bunch of very pretty flowers. He always thought picking flowers was too girly but thinking about how his mom's face would light up if he brings them to her, he decided to take them with him. He looked around, there was no one around and was eerily quiet.

He gulped nervously and slowly made his way to the edge of the small forest, if you could call it that, considering it was just a thick patch of trees surrounded by grasslands. There was an old wooden fence put around it in order for cattle and sheep to not wander and get lost in it. He crouched and crawled below the fence. Ed soon reached the flowers and kneeled. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, so he didn't notice someone had sneeked behind him untill it was too late. A large and calloused hand scooped him in a strong grip while another pressed a cloth to his face. He struggled but fell asleep.

He woke up at sunset in a metal cage in a dusty and smelly basement. There were other cages in there. Some had half-dead looking people, others had scary and grotesque monsters, but the scariest ones were the empty bloodstained ones. There were also a lot of scattered papers about alchemy, Ed couldn't read them but he had seen the circles in his father's books. He stood up and looked around. He had to escape. Just then Ed noticed the cage's door hadn't been locked because it was slightly opened. The man that had kidnapped him also wasn't there.

Edward Elric: HomunculusWhere stories live. Discover now