Part 7

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AN: I remind again, this is only short snippets, it is was intended to be, in case some may have forgotten. I only write parts that I will change a bit, the other is like in the anime/manga.)


"Yes, brother?"

"I think I made a horrible mistake..." Ed said in a grim voice "...ACHOOOOOO!"


Ed and Al had arrived at their destination, well, almost to it. Because it was a military property, the car couldn't take them further, so they walked. Ed should have guessed there was something up when the driver asked them if they had automail and if they'd be ok. It was freaking FREEZING!

At first, the chill wasn't that bad but the further up they went, the worse it became. Al was fine because he had no body but at some point Ed could swear he heard the armor joints creaking. He wasn't faring much better, he was freezing, his ports felt cold and a bit numb, he felt that his runny nose from all the sneezing had frozen and formed icicles. The only good thing was that it distracted Ed from his twinging ports.

When he went back, he was going to ask Pinako to look him over. He might be getting some sort of negative reaction or something might be wrong with the connections. Still, he felt like he was turning into a popsicle.

After a whole pile of snow fell on him from a tree branch, he was sure of it


"... So... what happens now?" – Al nervously asked.

"Be quiet! We are taking you to fort Briggs to be detained, spies!" – the white-clad man leading him said.

"How many times do I have to tell you we are not spies aaa... ACHOOOOO!" – Ed sneezed hard.

"EUGH!" – snot had gotten on the face of the man that had been scolding them.

"Sorry...*sniff* The cold got me..." – Ed said, knowing how terrible it must feel to have snot all over your face in such a cold weather.

"Hahahaha! This could be used as a biological weapon!" Buccaneer laughed, surprising most people present "Next time, aim in a different direction. I don't want my men to get whatever you've caught."


"You got hypothermia! It's a miracle that your flesh hadn't died due to the cold! What were you thinking..." – Ed was chewed by the Briggs automail mechanic.

"I am sorry... achoo!" –Ed blew his nose and took a sip from a steaming cup.

He knew it was no miracle. He was a Homunculus and recovered almost instantly from stabs and cuts but he still should have done his research. He berated himself for being so reckless. Ed was shaking from the cold and had already went through half a tissue box. He absentmindedly wondered if the other Homunculi could also get colds like him, a small part of him hoped that this meant there was still enough human in him.


He just couldn't shake off the prickling at the back of his neck and it took a lot of him not to rub the place. His Ouroboros might be seen by someone. The meeting with Armstrong's sister went not as well as he hoped but at least they weren't thrown out in the middle of the blizzard that was currently raging outside. He still had to think of a way to warn her about the circle that the country was and that Briggs might be targeted next.

As Ed was helping break some potentially deadly icicles, he felt something. At first, it began as a slightly stronger prick at the back of his neck and then it suddenly escalated to the point that it felt as if a train had collided with him.

Edward Elric: HomunculusWhere stories live. Discover now