Part 3

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===They came from east===

[What's the thing that looks and acts like a stray cat but is instead a bottomless pit in disguise?]

Aparently a runaway prince from Xing! What a surprise! And his name is Ling Yao!

BUT before that, let's recap what happened since the last time....

Ed and Al had stayed at Izumi's home for a few days before deciding to go and visit Winry back in Rush Valley. They had heard how well it was going for her and decided to visit for a day or two before returning to Central.

While at Izumi's they tried different things and experimented to see if there was something more with Ed's now identified as a possible homunculus' body. Izumi would have killed them with her death glare alone if they had even DARED to try what they wanted to do, so they tested Ed's reaction speed, strenght, flexibility and healing. There were some results in the end. Ed had been the same as he ever was but when they compared him to the average human male standards, he was a lot stronger and had better reaction speed. After that they sectetly cut his finger, not much, just to draw blood, and watched how long it took him to heal. It took him 15 seconds to heal and the mark of the cut to disappear. They speculated that it might be due to him a) being an incomplete homunculus or inferior in some way to the others, b) his ability not being as strong because not all homunculi can heal instantly or c)he has to somehow 'activate' his abilities for them to work like Greed's. Unfortunately Izumi had heard their plans and made them work for the last two days of their stay. They couldn't even see if Ed could enter the 'state' (what they decided to call the thing Ed experienced while fighting Scar) willingly or if he had a special power like Greed's.

After that they said their goodbyes and boarded the train to Rush Valley. When arriving there and heading toward's Winry's store, Al had heard some noise from an alley. Due to his innocent nature, the boy decided to look and found a fainted and VERY hungry man. The younger twin then freaked out his older brother and begged to help the man. That's Al for ya, such a sweet and kind boy, always trying to help others..........Instead the man turned into a pit that inhaled more than a dozen plates of food in one meal!

"Aaaah! Now this was tasty!" - Ling patted his belly.

"Good to hear..."- Ed said through his teeth, clearly angry with the man.

"Yaaaah...ya got mah thanks!" Ling laughed "Hey,miss, can I get two more plates?" - he asked the waitress.

"You are NOT getting anymore food off us, you leech!" - Ed shouted.

"Sheesh...what a temper!"

"Calm down, nii-san! By the way, my name is Alphonse and this is my brother Edward. What's your name?"

"Me? I'm Ling, Ling Yao. I'm from the Yao clan from Xing and a prince!"

"Oh? Is that so? Tell me, Mr prince, why are you here, leeching off us rather than staying at your home?" - Ed asked.

"Welp, I came her for a reason!" Ling got serios "I'm looking for a way to gain immortality! Do you know something about it, the Philosopher's stone I mean?"

"No idea at all!" - Ed said as calmly as he could.

"You are lying." - Ling said confidently.

"Oh, how do you know?" - Ed got tense, ready for a sneak attack, Al did the same.

"First, you tensed for a second then I mentioned it. Second, you Elric brothers are quite famous here. And third.... I've never met people with such a pecular energy as you two."

Edward Elric: HomunculusWhere stories live. Discover now