Part 2

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===Central city havoc===

"So this is the lab? Man, this place looks like a haunted building!" - Ed said in front of the gates of 5th lab.

" sure does. What do we do now?" - Al asked from his left.

"We sneak in of course! Now, boost me up!"


While they waited for Ed's automail to be re-made and fitted, they had some free time. Ed went to their mom's grave and paid respect but also had a bit of time to think about some other things. Specifically the tattoo on the back of his neck.

With time he had completely, well almost completely, forgotten about it's existence. No one else noticed it too so it went unnoticed untill now but his recent encounter with Scar reminded him about it.

'There definetely IS something up with it! Back then I felt this sudden jolt and then whoosh! Everything is all weird and I almost die! When we get to Central city, I'll look it up in the library! It may have some special properties.' - Ed thought.

Unfortunately the library and everything in it was burnt to crisp. They managed to get Dr. Marcoh's work from Sheska. He wanted to ask her if she knew something about the tattoo but decided not to. He really wanted to know but also didn't want people to know about it or have suspicions, that would limit him greatly.

'As long as it doesn't cause me any direct harm, I'd rather not tell anyone else.'


Ed was crawling through a dusty air vent and contemplating on the fact he called himself short when he saw an exit. He jumped down and found himself in a big room with a transmutation circle in the midle. He approached with caution to take a closer look.

When he saw the circle, he froze. A terrible and familiar feeling settled in his stomach.

'W-w-why am I..........?'

(PAIN PAIN PAIN! Make it stoooooooooooooooop!)

He clutched the side of his head in pain and grimaced. Where had he seen this circle before? Why did it make him feel so bad and what was up with that memory flash? It was too short but it conveyed him a bad feeling.

"This thing.....must be destroyed...." - he whispered so quietly it was almost unhearable.

Before he could clap his hands and destroy the whole floor a clang of metal alerted him of someone else being there. A sword flashed and hit the place where he had previously been. In front of him was an armoured swordsman.

"Sorry, boy, but my task is to kill every trespasser. I won't let you live, so better prepare yourself!"

He attacked again with speed too great for someone his size. His sword was ready to kill. Ed grit his teeth and quickly turned his automail in a blade. They clashed blades multiple times, each unable to hit the other.

CLINK! Scree!

Their blades clashed and sparks flew. With a strong push they separated, the armoured man, 48, skidding just a little bit farther due to Ed's push.

"You are quite good, kid. And you also pack quite a punch despite being this Small."


"Too naive!"

48 dived towards Ed and slashed his sword. Ed stepped back and jumped up but the swordsman was ready. He managed to cut Ed's shirt and draw a few drops of blood from the side of his stomach.

Edward Elric: HomunculusWhere stories live. Discover now