Part 6

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===Into the beast's belly===

Water...? He was supposed to be dead!

"You c—'t esca-e!! Noth--- gets o-t –f the gate without pay—g tHe PRICE!!"

Ed's eyes shot open. Darkness met him and shivers ran down his spine. What had that voice been? He felt as if he HAS to know but his head hurt, he was wet, the awful feeling from the shack enveloped his every inch... Hands, eyes... SO MANY of them! He shook his head, shoving the unclear and terrifying memories back for the moment. Now wasn't the time to panic! As he calmed down, he became more aware of his surroundings. It was a dark and gloomy but not impossible to see, once his eyes adjusted. There were many pieces of rubble, broken trees and...

'Hm?' - a twinge in Ed's flesh leg made him look down, he wished he hadn't.

His legs might have been partially submerged but he could see the mangled limb. It was broken and twisted. Ed sucked a breath, the pain finally registering, and tried to squeeze his thigh in attempt to lessen the pain. He cursed a storm in his mind but then, just like with the stab wound, red sparks danced across his skin and in a few seconds the leg had twisted itself back into place and healed. Ed shuddered at the sickening sensation but swallowed and rose up on shaky legs. He stepped out of the blood and looked around, searching for anything that could help him out of this place.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!" he shouted as loud as he could "SOMEONE HERE?!"

No one but his echo answered. It was weird and it gave Ed the creeps. The air itself didn't feel right. He felt alone and hopeless.

SLAP! – Ed hit his cheek and shook his head.

He wasn't going to give up! He took a shaky step in a random direction, letting his instinct lead him. With each new step, he became steadier and walked in an even pace.

He wasn't aware of it, but his Ouroboros was starting to glow slightly. The light intensified and Ed halted. The world swam around him and everything was slowing down.

'OK. I've been through this...I need to calm down!'

Ed stood in one place and let his arms drop to his sides, shoulders relaxing slightly as he exhaled. He closed his eyes and breathed, a gut feeling made him cross his arms across his chest. The blonde soon entered a meditative-like state.

He could feel everything around! The blood reaching to his ankles, how it's surface rippled ever so slightly, the shift of air... even the small pieces of destroyed buildings, chipped and falling down grain by grain. Then, something not exactly material.

Ed's eyes shot open, a glowing yellow ring circling the pupil, clearly seen in the dim light of this mysterious space. The lights were back but it was VERY different from the last few times. Usually the lights would flow freely but a thick, swirling red fog filled the whole space. It engulfed everything like some sort of sludge. Ed concentrated, he could feel his control slipping and he knew he'd be out of this strange mood soon. He was at least glad he could use it this time instead of it hitting him and leaving him gasping and disoriented.

'Come on! Give me at least something! I would accept anything!'

As if luck had smiled upon his poor soul, Ed saw a small wisp of light. It stood out of the red with its colorful glistening. Ed smiled for some reason, feeling content, and quickly headed after the trail. He stumbled here and there, not yet used to moving with the strange vision. The glistening trail was getting clearer and easier to follow- he was getting close!! Just then the vertigo hit him. In his joy, he had forgotten to concentrate on the meager hold he had on this strange 'power'.

Edward Elric: HomunculusWhere stories live. Discover now