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"He should be here by now, where is he?" Pepper paced around the dining table fiddling with the tennis bracelet on her wrist. I rolled my eyes and yanked the napkin from its tucked location in my shirt.
"Forget it Pepper," I stood tossing the napkin on my plate. Pepper threw her hands up and groaned.
"Don't leave Abi, Tony will be here any moment," Pepper said mostly to herself. I stood up and grabbed my phone.
"I'm going to bed," I said and headed upstairs. My phone vibrated in my hands and I looked at my text message.

Best Friend😍: Party over Nova's house.

As I walked up the steps I shielded my phone's screen from the prying security cameras. My dads idea of manning the house when he is away. He had been gone for a couple weeks now on a mission with the Avengers. He told us that he would be home tonight at 8 but it's 11:15pm. I walked down the hallway with his different inventions and models hung up like statues. I opened my door and closed it hearing the security camera outside my door whirl back to facing the steps. I felt bad for Pepper. Tonight she cooked an elaborate dinner, broke out the wine glasses, and put on her black dress. She even told me too dress nice, just in case we were in the company of an avenger or two. I wore a white long sleeve with green plaid on the collar, a black skirt, and black stockings accompanied by black combat boots.  I plopped down on my bed and thought it over. Go to a party or listen to Pepper cry by herself in the living room? I texted back.

Me: On my way

Best Friend😍: Dress cute too, there's nothing but cute guys here. Left and right.

Me: Bet!

I looked around my room. All of my clothes that I owned hung on two racks in the corner of my room consisting of nothing but black, grey, and white. My clothes matched my bedroom. Although I live in a ridiculously huge mansion I wanted to keep my room as minimalistic as possible.

Partially, because I didn't like the glitz and glam of my dad and Pepper's life

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Partially, because I didn't like the glitz and glam of my dad and Pepper's life. I'm not even sure if Pepper enjoyed the glitz and glam. I walked over to my rack and picked out a simple but cute outfit. I shimmied out of my formal ass pant suit and tossed it on the bed. I slipped on my black oversized shirt, biker shorts, and black vans.

My phone buzzed on my dresser and I looked at it and groaned, it read, "Tony

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My phone buzzed on my dresser and I looked at it and groaned, it read, "Tony." I rolled my eyes and slung my purse over my shoulder. I didn't worry about my hair but simply tousled it on the sides. I quickly stuffed my pillow under the sheets and turned my lights off. For an added touch I turned my stereo onto my favorite R&B radio station.

Me: On my way bih

"I need a better way to sneak out," I muttered to myself. I leaped down my balcony and braced as I landed in the grass. The other negative about sneaking out was that I wasn't able to use my car to get to where I need to be. I relied on the rank, and disgusting New York subway station and if not the subway I relied on Shannon. I ducked and rolled through the bushes and scaled the gate. In my chest I felt the ache of guilt and imagined Pepper. I knew she had threw the food away and put up the chinaware. In about a half an hour the pizza man would be knocking on the door and she would answer with a large glass of red wine in her hand. Unfortunately, everyone thought that their relationship was #goals. Truth be told I'm happy I'm sneaking out, that way I won't have to hear the yelling and screaming.

12:41 pm- party-

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" I chanted along with the group circled around two dudes downing a bottle of Hennessy each. The one in the black shirt and forrest green jacket barely had a sip left while the other guy had two cups worth. My best friend Shannon screamed beside me with her phone out recording the entire thing. Once green jacket smashed the bottle on the floor everyone yelled in an uproar. He puffed his chest out and beat on it wildly hopping onto the table. I laughed and turned around stumbling back in my little corner. Shanon danced over taking a sip of her beer.

"Get off the wall wallflower," she said grabbing my forearm. I reluctantly followed her to the middle of the dance floor, which was someones living room. I went to parties, enjoyed them even, but I didn't really have to make my presence known. As soon as I walk through the door, the first thing I hear is.


Shanon twirled me around and I laughed as I moved my hips. Pink, green, and purple laser lights danced around the room. The DJ was a guy I go to school with, I believe his name is Flash. He scratched the record and Mo Bamba played. Shannon really went wild hopping up and down, thrashing her head around wildly. She let my hand go, I bent over and threw it back on her trying to contain my laughter.
"Yaaas, Abi!" Shannon yelled. I was getting into a good rhythm when I felt a rush of wind behind me and a yelp. Someones hands grabbed my waist and yanked me back into them.
"I miss this," they said from behind me. I pulled myself free and whipped around. My ex boyfriend, Ryan, smirked at me. I felt a sinking feeling in my chest as I backed away.
"What are you doing here?" I said almost breathlessly. Shanon appeared beside me with arms crossed.
"C'mon Abi," Shanon tugged at my arm and I followed before I was yanked back roughly by my other arm. Shanon lost her grip and I stumbled into Ryan. His shirt was damp and reeked of vodka and must.
"Didn't I tell you?" he leaned down to my face and I struggled to pull away when Ryan was knocked back onto the floor. The music seemed to stop playing and all eyes were on us. Green jacket guy sat on Ryan wailing on him. Ryan tussled on the floor but his arms were pinned by green jackets knees.
"Bro, lay up," someone pulled green jacket off of Ryan and he staggered back. A small puddle of blood laid by Ryans mouth. He leaned up and wiped his bloody busted lip. Green jacket walked over to me.
"Are you ok Stark?" he said. His voice was deep which took me aback for someone our age. He was tall but didn't tower over me. His shoulder were broad and almost as massive as his arms. He ran his hands through his curly thick hair revealing a sharp jawline. He stared at me longer and I blinked.
"I-uh-yeah I'm fine, thank you?" I stammered.
"My name is Taylor, we have the same biology class together," he said extending his hand. I think I would have known if this guy was in my class. I shook it and he sighed before walking off and disappearing in the crowd.

3:48 AM- The Next Morning

I threw my leg over the balcony and hoisted myself over. My music still played faintly in my room so I was safe. If Pepper found out the music would be off and she'd been sitting on my balcony. I giggled slightly as I looked down at my shoes. I didn't know why, but the sight of my shoes was sending me through the roof. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I tried to contain myself.
"Oh shit," I said. I walked over to my bed, flung down my bag, and flopped onto the soft sheets allowing them to engulf me as I drifted off to sleep.

Vote, comment, and I hope you enjoyed! 💛

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