Dinner date

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Saturday-the next day

I sat on my bed fiddling with a loose thread in my comforter. I sighed and looked around. It was hard not doing anything without my phone. Occasionally, I would feel a vibration on the bed or in my pocket, only to find that it was just a phantom ring. I didn't want to leave out of the room because I knew Pepper was somewhere lurking around waiting to talk. There was a knock on my door. Speak of the devil.
"Pepper, I don't want to talk," I said loudly. There was another knock. I groaned and got up. I opened my door and immediately went to shut it, but it was too late. I walked back over to my bed and sat down. My dad came in with his hands in his pockets.
"What do you want?" I asked folding my arms. He closed the door and pulled up my woven chair from the corner.
"I'm apologizing," he said grunting as he sat down in front of me. I turned to him wrinkling my nose.
"Why do you stink?" I asked. He sniffed his suit and face palmed.
"I don't know, listen I'm trying to apologize and you're making this kind of difficult," he said.
"I'm sorry, proceed."
"I'm sorry for being an asshole of a father, for not coming home straight away to you and Pepper, and for not doing my research," he sitting down next to me. He pulled his cellphone from his back pocket. I sighed as he pulled up the full video. I cringed as I watched Ryan pull me into him roughly as I struggled. I looked away and wiped the tear from my face.
"Hey," he wrapped his arms around me and pulled him into his chest. He pulled away and wiped my tears away.
"C'mon, tell me what happened Abi," he said and I took in a deep breath.
"He and I used to—," a loud ring interrupted me.
"Hold on sweetie...hello? Oh kid what's up? At what time? No, I'll decide...Alright see you soon." He hung up and I stood up and stormed out of my room. No fucking way. No FUCKING way. How does that happen? Who does that?

Thai Restaurant

Shanon sat in front of me sucking down her soda as I picked around my plate.
"You're not eating, why aren't you eating?" She asked I rolled my eyes and dropped my fork.
"My dad and I are in the middle of a conversation, like deep as hell. I'm trying to finally tell him about Ryan,"
"Yikes!" She said and went back to her drink.
"But then, he gets a phone call from his lovely student intern about some meet up. I just left I couldn't take it anymore,"  I said picking my fork back up. I stabbed a piece of salmon and brought it to my lips.
"That guys been staring at you since we sat down," Shanon announced. I lowered my fork and blinked.
"Who?" I whispered. Shanon discreetly pointed with her index finger. I looked over and noticed the guy from the other day.
"He was the one that beat up Ryan! His name is Taylor," I exclaimed.
"He's pretty hot in the daylight," Shanon said. He must have sensed us talking about him because he looked over.
"I'm going over to say hi," I said standing. Shanon grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"Get his number!" She said.
I shook my head and walked over. Today he wore the same green jacket but underneath was a slightly wrinkled grey T-shirt. He had his hair pulled up into a bun.
"Hey Taylor, eating alone?" I asked. He smiled and motioned to his open textbooks.
"Well, I have Sigmund Frued to keep me company," he laughed. I pointed to the empty chair and he shrugged his shoulders.
"By all means," he said. I sat down and turned  his textbook around.
"He was a nut job, that's all I know," I said. Taylor picked up his plate which had small lettuce wraps.
"Would you like one?" He offered.
"No, I actually have salmon that I need to eat," I said pointing back at my table. He placed the plate down.
"This is my third plate, I think I'm stress eating," he admitted.
"Do you have an exam coming up?" I asked.
"Yup, psych with Mrs. Fletcher," he said scratching his head.
"Well, I took that class last semester I could help you," I said.
"Sure, if you're willing. Take my number," he said and I raised my eyebrows in shock.
"No funny business I promise," he laughed. I pulled out my phone and handed it over. He punched in his number and handed it back. I held my phone awkwardly in my hand and then stood.
"I'll text you tonight," I said and walked back over to the table. Shanon squealed when I sat back down at our table. Part of me was excited and even flustered. The other part of me was dreadful and not because of Taylor, but of going home. I didn't feel like being bothered and being hounded for questions, or even a pitiful excuse. I just wanted to be invisible at home... to be honest.

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