Trials and Tribulations

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I was sitting down in English class the next day when Peter opened his mouth.
"Hey," he whispered. I looked over at him, slowly looked him up and down, and rolled my eyes. I turned back to the reading. Peter cleared his throat and poked my shoulder.
"What?" I snapped in a whisper. Peter gulped and smiled.
"I wanted to invite you to a party," he said. I looked him in the eyes before putting my highlighter down.
"Look Parker, you might be cool with my dad but you're not with me. Now, stop talking to me K?" I gave a short pinched smile. I turned back to my book again when I realized a girl with curly light brown hair was staring at me. She wore a black jacket, band t-shirt, and black combat boots. I wasn't in the mood today. Ms. Prudence was nodding off in the corner, at her desk, so I got up and grabbed the bathroom pass. I wasn't really going to the bathroom I was headed to see where Shannon was. I turned out of the English hallway and down the math hallway. My feet halted. Leaning on the lockers was Ryan and he looked pissed. He didn't see me so I backed up.
"Stark!" He snarled. I turned on my heels and sped walked away. Behind me his feet pounded. I looked back to see he was only a few feet away. I quickly ran into the girls bathroom and sighed.
"Thank G—," a toilette flushed and I ran over to the sink pretending to fix my makeup. A short girl gave me a once over before chuckling. The girls bathroom slammed open and we both screamed. Ryan came striding in.
"Get the fuck out!" He yelled at the girl. She quickly scurried away. I wanted to beg her to stay. Ryan came over and gripped the side of my neck. I winced and tried to push him away.
"You think this shit is funny Stark?" He said in one tight breath. I shook my head and he let my neck go.
"I don't know what you're talking about Ryan!" I exclaimed. His nostrils were flared and he had a dark look in his eyes. That same look terrified me even a year after our breakup.
"I am in danger because of you. They're suspending me," he said. I trembled and my lip quivered. What could I say? I wasn't in the wrong.
"You shouldn't have done what you did—," I bent over and all the air was knocked out of me. Ryan moved his fist from my abdomen and I dropped to my knees trying to catch my breath.
"Don't play with me Stark or everyone will know about your little secret," he spat before marching out. I laid on floor until the bell rung.

I didn't catch a ride home with Shannon. I caught the bus instead and walked the rest of the way home. When I got in, Pepper and my dad were sitting at the dining room table.
"Hey honey, how was school?" Pepper beamed. I nodded my head and turned to walk up to the steps.
"Hey kid, we're not sitting here  for our health," my dad said. I turned back around and slowly walked over. My side felt like it had a pulse of its own. I trudged over to the table and Pepper hopped out of her chair.
"It's great to see you," She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed tightly. My eyes watered as I tried to hold back the holler that was trying to escape. I locked eyes with my dad before adverting my gaze. Pepper released me and patted my shoulder.
"You're pretty tense. Maybe we should go to the spa?" She said smiling. I gave her a half smile and stared down at the chair. It was a high sitting bar stool that would require more movement than I could manage. My dad stared at me strangely.
"Aren't you going to take off your backpack, kid?" Dad asked. Fuck. I shimmied my backpack of slowly trying to hide the grimace that stained my face.  I raised my shoulder and helped. Dad stood up from the table, shaking the silverware, and walked over to me.
"Did you get a new piercing? I hope not," he said.
"It's nothing dad, relax," I said my voice cracking.
"What's this?"
"What?" I asked and before I could block my side he jabbed it gently. I cried out in pain and hissed.  My shirt was pulled up by my backpack.
"Tony, stop!" Pepper yelled but it was too late. My left arm was above my head and I was leaned over to the side.
"How'd you get this bruise?" Dad asked. I looked away from Pepper's concerned glance and looked at the floor. What do I say? Ryan cornered me in the bathroom and knocked the breath out of me? No.
"In gym—."
"Wrong, they marked you absent. Next excuse, let's hear it," dad said. I didn't answer. My chin was tugged and I faced dad.
"Nothing happened," I couldn't even lie. He let my chin go and dropped his head.
"Tony, just let it go," Pepper said in a breathless whisper. I flinched as I stood erect. It even hurt to put my arm down. My dad sniffed and pushed his glasses up on his nose.
"Go up stairs and do what ever it is you do, but we will talk about this," his said through clenched teeth. I nodded and walked as quickly as I could.

BAITED- A Tony Stark's Daughter storyWhere stories live. Discover now