Caught Up

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6:45 AM-the next morning

I walked out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body. The steam from the shower coasted behind me as I walked into my bedroom. I could still smell the baby oil that I had pat dried onto my skin. I laid out my outfit which was a black long sleeve shirt, faux fur vest, brown plaid skirt, black tights, and knee high boots.

Best Friend😍: I'm like 5 min away

I fixed my hair in the mirror, moisturized my lips, and lined my eyes. My left eye kept jumping and it was annoying me. I wondered if that meant that Ryan was going to be on that shit today. I didn't have time for it. I felt my chest flutter and my throat beginning to close up. I felt the panic and quickly jogged in place. Not today Satan. I took this opportunity to jog downstairs. I'm sure my dad was here by now but probably at work. That was typical. He hardly was ever home because if he wasn't at his lab, Avengers headquarters, or with Happy, he was with shit head Peter Parker. I shook the thought and jumped down the last step. 
"Abigail." I turned and my dad stood in the living room with his arms crossed. I ran over and hugged him tightly. Although I was unhappy about his schedule, and missing Pepper's dinner I still missed him. He didn't hug back and his body was rigid. When I let him go he sniffed and adjusted his glasses. He walked back over to the couch and sat down. By him, Ms. May and Peter were seated on the couch with Pepper in the middle. Upon seeing Peter I wanted to curse him out.
"Sorry, I hope I didn't interrupt a meeting." I said and turned to leave. Outside the front door window I could see Shanon dancing in her car.
"Sit down," he said sternly. He sat next to Pepper who wouldn't look my way. I walked over to them. My left eye kept jumping.
"Can we make this quick because Shanon is out fron—."
"Shanon could be strapped to a bomb ready to explode in three seconds. I wouldn't care. Now, sit. down," he said uneasily calm and in one breath. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Ms. May and Peter both looked away awkwardly.
"Can we talk about whatever this is in private?" I asked flopping down on the couch across from them. He looked at me sternly.
"No, we're laying everything out on the table since we have exhibit A," he tossed a tablet to my chest and I barely caught it. On the screen was me dancing last night and Ryan pulling me to him. It was only 10 seconds so they didn't show the full story. I blinked away the tears.
"It's not what it looks like," I muttered and he stood up.
"Not what it looks like? I know exactly what this looks like! My teenager daughter grinding her ass on some horny  boy!" He yelled. I looked away and put the tablet off to the side.
"Tony that's a bit—." Pepper started.
"Pepper, I got this," he said and Pepper narrowed her eyes, "go outside and tell Shanon she can leave. I'm taking you to school until the day you graduate." My mouth dropped open and anger began to swell in my chest. I don't know what he thinks he's doing embarrassing me in front of Ms. May and Peter. I'm not walking all the way to her car when I could just text her. I took out my phone and it was snatched so quick.
"Go. Walk. Now." He said through clenched teeth.
"Whatever,"I sucked my teeth.
"And when you come back you're changing into a longer skirt with flats!" He yelled. I walked outside making sure to slam the door behind me. I couldn't believe this. Shanon did a double take and waved. She must have saw my face because her smile disappeared.
"What's wrong?" She asked. I thought for a moment. I opened the passenger door and hopped in. Fuck the phone. Fuck the bag. Fuck that entire situation.
"Nothing just hurry up we're going to be late."

12:20PM- AP English

Peter sat across from me with a pained expression. Every time I would look over, he would put on this stressed smile. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my notes. It felt as if holes were burning in the back of my head and I knew who it was. Ryan had been staring at me since class started. Since our teacher had stepped out I stood up and grabbed the girls bathroom pass. In the hallway were a few stragglers. Some of the left out to get other non cafeteria food. Others were either ditching class in the bathroom or sneaking out the back doors. I passed a group of jock guys and they laughed together pointing. I knew they had seen the video. Half of the school had seen the video. I bee lined into the bathroom. I leaned against the door and took in a deep breath. None of these shit heads were going to see me cry.
"She's such a whore."
"The only reason people like her is because her dad is iron man."
"Spoiled brat."
My breath caught in my chest and I walked around to the sinks. Three girls were  gossiping and putting their makeup on. I cleared my throat. They both froze. I played with my hair and then turned to the one to my right. She had on a really ugly hand me down sweater. There was even pit stains under her arm. I smiled and looked her in her brown doe eyes.
"I love your sweater!" I said with fake enthusiasm.
"Thank you! It was my grandmothers," she beamed.
"I figured," I said leaving, "have a nice day!" When I walked out the hallway was almost empty. Just a few more minutes in this class. I could ditch chemistry and go downtown. I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to go back home. I turned to go down the yellow painted walls of the English hallway and it buzzed with excitement and laughter. As I got closer to the classroom the noise got louder. I opened the door and everyone turned to me.
"Hello daughter," Fuck! My dad stood at the front of the room. He was pissed. His hands were in his pockets, glasses pushed up, and his posture pen straight. I paused almost willing to run back out.
"Heey," I said going back to my seat.
"Get your things, it's an early dismissal," he said. I grabbed my things slowly avoiding Ryan's stares and walked back up to the front. Shanon motioned for me to text her.
"Alright, have a nice day everyone," he said and pushed me out the door. I blew out a shaky breath as we walked back up the hallway. He didn't say anything but grabbed my forearm roughly pulling me behind him. Outside it felt like spring even though we were in the middle of a snowless winter. His limo sat in the front and Happy stood with his hands clasped in front of him.
"Afternoon Miss. Stark," He said and began to open the door but my dad did it instead almost pushing Happy out of the way.
"Get in," He said. I shook off my backpack and slid in. I barely put my foot in when the door slammed behind me. Happy hopped in at the front and my dad got in the back with me.
"Where to Tony?" Happy asked. Dad snatched off his sunglasses and frowned.
"Home, roll the partition up Happy," he snapped. The partition zipped up and I fiddled with my fingers. My heart hammered in my chest. I knew I had fucked up and I knew I was screwed.
"You deliberately disobeyed me Abigail," he said calmly. I was more afraid of his calm voice than him yelling and the sheer fact that he said my full name.
"I'm sorry d—."
"Don't speak, Pepper told me to reframe from yelling so this is me not yelling," he said. I closed my mouth and waited. He took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"You embarrassed me in front of our guests—,"
"So, how did that feel?" I snapped. He gave me a look of astonishment. I scooted over away from him.
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?" I said annoyed.
"Stop with the attitude." He yelled.
"I'm sorry but what are you talking about?" I asked.
"Why did you sneak out, get buzzed, and dance like that? Your video is everywhere. It's even on the news!" he yelled. He yelled so loud my ears were ringing.
"I wasn't dancing on him," I mumbled.
"Now, you're lying when clearly the video has you grinding on him!" He snapped. I crossed my arms.
"H-he..." I started but I couldn't find the courage to say it. I was afraid he would think I was lying when I wasn't.
"He what?" My dad said still irritated. I took in deep breaths to try and still myself. My hands were shaking and I clasped them together.
The limo jerked to a stop and Happy rolled down the partition. I frowned and looked at my feet.
"We're here Tony oh and the kid wants to know if you're still meeting him at the Thai place for the meeting?" Happy said.
"What time is it...yeah confirm it and tell him I'll be there in ten minutes," he said and it infuriated me. I hopped out of the limo and grabbed my bag.
"You never listen!" I cried slamming the door. I ran to the front door just as Pepper was opening it.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked. I ran up the steps shielding my face.
"Abi!" I heard him yell but I was already in route to my room. I locked my door before laying face down on my bed. It wasn't long before I cried myself to sleep.

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