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"Why'd you take the bus yesterday?" Shannon whined. We sat in the back of our art class molding clay between our hands.
"I just wanted to be alone," I said pushing my thumbs into the dome of the droopy head I formed. Shannon sucked her teeth and slammed her small grey mountain into a pancake.
"You wanted to be alone so you took the bus with like 14 kids on there? Right," Shannon snapped. I rolled my eyes before crushing the wet clay in between my palms. MJ peaked over at us with a raised eyebrow.
"What's up MJ? Need help?" Shannon said not turning to face MJ. MJ shrugged and turned back to her well molded jewelry tray with a lumpy frog in the middle.
"Look, don't be rude because you're mad with me," I leaned over into Shannon's ear.
"Ryan cornered me in the bathroom and," As I leaned back Shannon looked over slowly. I looked around the room. Everyone was distracted and engulfed in their own conversations.  I lifted my shirt up gently and Shannon gasped loud enough to have all conversation stop. I quickly pulled my shirt down and looked at the clay.
"Sorry, I messed up," Shannon said. Everyone turned back to their activities.
"Don't tell anyone," I whispered. Shannon stared at me wide eyed. Her brown eyes searching mine for an explanation.
"You are the daughter of one of the richest men in NY and you don't want anyone's help?" Shannon whispered fiercely. I cleared my throat feeling it tense.
"Your dad could probably get all the avengers here to kick his ass!" Shannon's voice hiccuped. I touched her shoulder gently.
"It'll be ok," I nod. Shannon wiped a tear from her face and raised her hand. Our teacher, Mr. Fern, looked over his gold rimmed ray bans.
"Yes?" His monotoned voice glided the air.
"I need to use the bathroom," Shannon snapped. Mr. Fern shrugged. Shannon grabbed her purse and sped walked out of the classroom. A chill prickled my skin as my heart hammered in my chest. Taylor turned around and a smile jumped onto my face.
"I was wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat after school?" He asked grinning from ear to ear.
"I thought you said no funny business," I purred. Taylor laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Eating is serious business," he joked.
"Ok, but no more of that Thai restaurant!" I laughed. Taylor knocked on his desk before turning back to his work. The intercom buzzed causing everyone to jump.
"Mr. Fern, could you send Miss. Stark to the office for early dismissal?" The assistant principles sickly sweet voice chirped.
"Miss. Stark, pack up and put your clay on the rack," Mr. Fern droned. I quickly packed up and placed my unfinished clay onto the rack before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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