Chapter 1-What Happens in the Night

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The liquid, rushing in willingly, dulling my ever present hunger. Never truly satisfied. Digging my nails into his hips with my other hand tangled in his hair, pulling harshly. I lick my lips, savouring the taste and smell. More flows into my open mouth, delicious saltiness.

He was a rather attractive boy.

Too bad, he must die.

The last of his sweet red juices slide into my mouth and I release him letting his body crumple to the ground. A smooth,fresh and effortless kill.
Its so easy now to find that prominant, awaiting vein that screams my name. And the pure pleasure as I sink my fangs into it.

I like to keep them alive to the very last seconds, watching the life fade, controlling them not just in body but mind. Penetrating the weak human mind barrier is as easy as breathing -or lack there of- for me. Reading there deepest desires and searching their secrets. I can control what they feel, pain or pleasure. Deeming them of a pleasant death if I see fit. Like a God sorting his subjects to heaven or hell.

I'm still hungry but I can feel the weight of time as the sun begins to rise. It's not that I can't be out in it, its just very uncomfortable and irritating.
I brush back my death black fringe and pull my coat closed to hide the blood stains, turning to walk out of the alley.

And it hits me.

This mouth-watering smell, only to be dreamt of. It rounds the corner of the alley way, abruptly stopping when it locks eyes with me.

Time freezes. I breath in deeply inhaling the scent of his blood, making me growl viciously in the back of my throat with pure want. Brown hair whipping excitedly as the wind gushes around us, and the chocolate matching eyes as they take me in and secondly the dead body behind me.

It happens so fast.

His mouth falls open in a gasp and he begins to turn around but I'm there grabbing his wrist and throwing his back against the wall effortlessly dominating him.

"Don't do anything or I'll kill you." I whisper into his ear huskily.

He stops struggling, and brings his eyes to mine. Mine must be red with hunger at the moment and as I slip into his mind, I see me from his view. A scary, murdering monster of the night. But there is something else too.

An attraction?

Well, that's certainly a first.

I realise the position I've got him pinned. Our bodies touching everywhere, his heat radiating against me. Chests pressed together, hips pressed together, my leg between his and my cold hands pinning his wrists to the wall, with a force that will certainly leave a bruise.
I feel the air move as he breathes and the blood pumping beneath his paper thin skin.

I want to kill him.

But I want to keep him forever.

This new juxtaposition of thought causes my brain to stutter on its next decision. God damn, what am I even doing? Who the fuck am I? No one.

I shiver at the unwanted voice within and snap back into reality at the sound of footsteps, probably still a block away. I simply act now, throwing him over my shoulder and bolting the opposite way to the noise, heading for my apartment till I can decide what to do.

If I can decide what to do.

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