Chapter 38: I Have No Right

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I woke up in my bed. I sat up and immediately winced in pain. I looked down and saw dry blood staining my thighs and some still dripping out of my hole. The sheets were messed up stained with blood.

I brought my knees to my chest and started sobbing into it.

I couldn't believe it.

I was raped. By Jimin.

I felt disgusted. With Jimin. With myself.

I stood up and walked slowly to my bathroom because of the pain. I ran myself a bath and let my body sink into the water. My hole started burning but I had to do it. I had to wash. Not that I wouldn't still be dirty once I'm done.

I got out of the bath and noticed the feint traces of blood in the water.

I walked back into my room and got changed into clean clothes. I changed my sheets and cleaned up every trace of what just happened.

I was startled when I heard a knock on my door.

"Chae? You in there?" I heard Taehyung ask.

I immediately felt like crying. How can I date Taehyung now? After I got raped by Jimin?

He deserves better. Better than a dirty girl who was touched by filthy hands.

I flinched. I could still feel Jimin's dirty hands on me even though he was gone. I could never forget what happened. I could never move on.

I'm dirty. I'm disgusting.

I was broken out of my thoughts when my door opened and Taehyung's head peeped in.

I smiled a little. He was so cute. Too bad he'll never be mine. I don't deserve him or his love.

"So you are here. Why didn't you answer?" he asked now walking in.

He walked to me.

"Sorry. I was in the bathroom." I answered softly.

"Okay. So, Jungkook came to talk to me. He told me that you told him the truth. About us and Jimin."

I flinched at the mention of his name.

"And that he supports our relationship. So we can finally be together without Jimin in our way." he said walking closer to me.

He touched my arm and I flinched at his touch and immediately backed up.

He noticed my reaction, "Are you okay?"

I immediately felt guilty. I didn't mean to react that way to him. I just couldn't help it. His touch reminded me of Jimin's. It shouldn't since Taehyung isn't Jimin but it does.

"I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's okay. So I'm here. To officially ask you to be my girlfriend." he says smiling.

My eyes widened.

No. You can't! Don't so it! Don't do it Taehyung!

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes started to water.

I liked him so much, but we couldn't possibly be together. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve anyone.

He noticed my watery eyes.

"Hey. Are you okay? What's wrong Chae?" he asked grabbing my arms.

I immediately pulled myself out of his grip.

"I can't. I'm sorry Taehyung." I said before running out, crying, leaving him there.

I ran into one of the guest rooms and fell down on my knees, sobbing.

It hurt so much. Why did this have to happen to me?

Why did Jimin have to rape me?

I cried myself to sleep not even bothering to get up from the cold hard floor.

~the next morning~

I woke up in the guest bedroom and walked to the bathroom.

I washed my tear stained face and got ready for school.

Was I okay to go to school? No. But I had to. Jungkook would ask questions if I didn't.

I didn't even bother eating breakfast because I had no appetite.

I walked to school and stopped by the school gates.

I looked at all the male students. I felt scared. Somehow that they were all going to hurt me like Jimin did. I know that it wasn't fair but that's how I felt.

I rushed past them and sighed in relief when I made it to an empty classroom. I didn't even bother to stop by my locker. I just wanted to get away from everyone as soon as possible.

I looked out the window and flinched when I saw him.

All the memories of last night suddenly washed over me. Him touching me. Him pushing himself inside me. Not stopping when I was hurting or bleeding.

I grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and immediately felt disgusted all over again.

I was broken out of my thoughts when the door opened and the students started walking in.

The class must be starting soon. I got up and made my way to my seat and sat down.

Soon the class was full and all the students were there, all except one person.

I looked to the empty seat next to me.

I felt myself missing him.

No! I have no right to miss him! I looked back to the front and focused on the lesson.

But I count help but look at the empty seat beside me every now and then.

The class was almost over and it was clear that he wasn't going to show up.

I was thinking about taking the notes of the class to him, but then after what I did yesterday, I don't have the right to even look in his direction.

I decided against it and made my way to my next class when the bell rang.

I saw Taehyung standing by his locker as I passed by.

Our eyes locked for a second as I passed but he immediately averted my eyes and walked away.

Well, what was I expecting from him?

Of course he's avoiding me. Of course he hates me.

I deserve it.

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