Chapter 49: My Boss

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"Taehyung. It's been too long!" Hyun Min yelled.

But Taehyung wasn't focused on Hyun Min. His gaze was locked on Chae.

Hyun Min noticed their everlasting stare.

"What's up with you two? Why are you guys staring at each other like that?"

This seemed to break both of them out of their trance and brought their attention to Hyun Min.

For a second, they both forgot about him being there when staring into each other's eyes.

"Hyun Min. I'm glad you made it." Taehyung said.

Chae looked everywhere except at Taehyung desperately trying to avoid locking eyes with him again.

"Yeah. Thanks for the job man. Give me a hug." Hyun Min said giving out his arms gesturing for a hug.

"No thanks." Taehyung answered bluntly.

"Ugh. You're still as boring as ever." he groaned.

"Oh! And this is my girlfriend I was telling you about." Hyun Min said grabbing her sides bringing her closer to him.

This seemed to grab Taehyung's attention.

"Girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yep. She's pretty isn't she?" Hyun Min asked over her shoulder.

"Hey!" she said playfully hitting his arm.

"What? I'm complimenting you." he said pouting rubbing the part of the arm that she hit.

"Aw. Sorry." she said playfully pinching his puffed out cheeks.

"You better make it up to me tonight. Preferably in the bedroom." he said out loud winking.

"Hyun Min!" she yelled now hitting him with a serious expression.

"Oh come on. He's my cousin. It doesn't bother him."

Little did they know that it was bothering Taehyung.

Their attention was brought back to Taehyung when he cleared his throat.

"Hyun Min, shouldn't you be getting to the management floor and work?"

"Oh right! See you later. Love you!" he yelled walking out.

That left only Chae and Taehyung in the room. And now there was awkward silence.

That was until he spoke again.

"So, you may sit down so that I can tell you what this job entails." he said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk.

She sat down still avoiding his gaze.

It's been three years and she had no idea why she was so awkward.

He opened a file, "Alright. Kim Chae Young. 21 years old. Bright student. Graduated from Gangnam Official University. Born in Busan but has lived in Gangnam for the past four years."

He read all her information as if he didn't know any of it already.

He closed the file and then looked right into her eyes.

For some reason, she felt intimidated by his stare and found herself blushing lightly.

"Okay. As my assistant, you will do everything I ask you to do. You will also take care of any personal matters of mine. Everything you see and do in here will remain between you and me since it's personal things that you deal with that the rest of the staff are not allowed to know of. Understand? "

She nodded quickly.

"Okay. This is your contract. You can read through it tonight and bring it back signed tomorrow. If you have any queries or problems, do not hesitate to ask."


"Now, how have you been?" he asked out of nowhere.

She was taken aback by his question and looked if he was maybe joking but he kept a straight face indicating that he was serious.

She gulped feeling herself melt under his gaze.

"I've been okay." she answered plainly not knowing exactly what he wanted her to say.

"Good. You can start the day by getting me coffee."


"Milk with two sugars. Please. Not black." he says sternly.

"You always did hate black coffee." she blurted out accidentally.

He looked up at her, "Excuse me?"

"Nothing. Sorry. I'll get your coffee sir."

She bowed before making her way out of his office.

As soon as she was out, she let out a breath she didn't even realise she was holding.

Stupid Chae! How could you say that?

She made her way to make the coffee. The coffee machine was in one of the boardrooms for some reason.

Chae wasn't as mad at herself for accidentally blurting out her thoughts but more because she actually remembers that little detail about him. After three years.

After trying so hard to forget him, she still knows him like the back of her hand.

She walked to the coffee machine and furrowed her brows at it.

She's never seen one like that before. It's very different from the one she uses.

She was confused as to how it worked. But, she would figure it out right? It shouldn't be too hard right?

She ended up thinking for five minutes and as soon as she realized it, she was worried.

She wasn't supposed to make him wait.

And she still doesn't know how it works.

What do I do now?

She was broken out of her thoughts when the door opened. She turned to see Taehyung standing in the doorway.

"Mr Kim. I uh...I'm sorry for making you wait sir."

Geez. Why am I acting so formal with him now ? He is my boss but still.

She heard him chuckle.

"It's okay. I just realised that you might not know how to use it. It's new so..." he said walking to me.

She laughed sheepishly.

"Give me your hand." he said handing out his hand to her.

Her eyes widened.

"I want to direct you."

She immediately felt embarrassed.

Geez. Get your mind in order! Chae scolded herself.

She lent out her hand to him.

He took her hand in his and brought it to the coffee making machine.

She felt slight a slight tingling feeling in her body when he touched her.

"So, you put the coffee sachet along with the sugar in here then you press this button and once it's done, this light will shine and then you pull this lever so that it pours into the cup." he said showing everything with her hand.

"It's kinda easy."

"Yes, if you know how." he said.

They were interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

They turned to see a young female standing in the doorway.

"Excuse me Mr Kim, your meeting will be starting in five minutes." age informed.

"Alright. You know how to use it now right?"

Chae nodded.

He walked out with the woman following him.

She took a deep breath.

"Geez. Why did it have to be him?"

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