▪ Chapter Eight ▪

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Time seemed to slow down

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Time seemed to slow down. My vision blurred as my head knocked on the hard cement floor, causing a short scream to escape my lips.

All I could hear, was the loud echoing smack of my head crashing into the floor, which was then drowned out by a loud ringing sensation in my ears.

When I finally crashed back into reality, what felt like minutes really being only a few seconds, and fell out of my dazed state; the first thing that I realised was that the floor was bloody hard. The second thing I noticed was a sticky, warm substance that I suspected was blood, dripping down my forehead and my left eyebrow. The last thing I felt was a heavy, crushing weight on top of me, squeezing all the air out of my lungs. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, fearing what I would see.

Hovering above my face were THE eyes. Those dead, soulless, infected eyes. The ones I had been having nightmares about this entire week. And now, here they were, less than 2 inches away from my own.

He stared at me, just stared for a moment. His pale, blue eyes cold, calculating as he tilted his head, taking me in, as though on the verge of attacking. I held my breath, scared shitless, and pressed my throbbing head further into the floor, away from the monster. Why was it just staring?

Afraid I would push it over the edge, I kept as still as possible. I needed to get out of here - before it got fed up of only looking. Survival instincts kicking in, I contemplated my escape options: It was too heavy to push off of me and I didn't know how strong or fast it would be.

I felt the outline of the pistol I had, tucked into my waistband, digging into my back. The problem was that it was trapped between me and the ground.

Left with no other choice, I slowly and discreetly move my right hand, trying not to draw it's attention, towards the gun. Too concentrated on the weapon, I notice, a second too late, that its eyes had snapped towards my moving hand. It was like a switch had flicked inside its brain.

It drew back it's head, opened it's horrific mouth wide before letting out a shrieking, unearthly roar, spraying my face with bits of its foul saliva. Then it lunged, mouth open, hungry.

Acting fast, I pushed my left forearm under its chin, against its throat to keep it and it's mouth away from me for as long as I could. Grappling at the gun handle with my other hand, I wrenched it out from under me, wasting no time in placing it to the monster's temple. Acting purely out of adrenaline, I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger without a second thought.

Warm blood splattered across my face, making me feel sick. The infected person's dead weight collapsed on top of me, and breathing became difficult.

Groaning from the weight, I slowly managed to roll the body off of me and took in deep gulps of much-needed oxygen. After a few deep breaths, I regained what little composure I still had and weakly stood up, stumbling slightly.

The effects of the adrenaline had begun to wear off, my shaky nerves returning. I felt faint as I wiped the mixture of both mine and the Infected's blood off my face with my sleeve.

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