▪ Chapter Twenty-nine ▪

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I have to confess, I didn't really know what I was thinking when I followed him inside

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I have to confess, I didn't really know what I was thinking when I followed him inside. I should be running in the complete opposite direction, not wandering after him.

But I had to get back to Lily, before it was... too late. And I didn't have my backpack anymore or, more importantly, the medicine she needed.  He did. Or so I assumed, since I woke to find it gone.

I needed it back before I left. To save Lily. Returning empty handed just wasn't an option.

I walked into the room I had woken in, to find him facing away from me, shrugging on his leather jacket.

"Where is it?" I demanded, storming—with a limp—into the room. It wasn't the friendliest of hellos, but I really, really didn't care right now.

He turned to look at me, face blank and eyes cold as he spoke sourly, "Well aren't you just a little Miss Sunshine. Hello to you, too."

I didn't let up, "My backpack, I need it. Where is it?"

All I got was another bored look. "You know, most people would be thanking the person that saved their life."

"Well, maybe I'm not most people."

That finally seemed to get a reaction from him, a sly smirk making it's way onto his face. "I don't doubt it for a second."

His heated stare gave me the urge to turn and run but I needed those antibiotics and I wasn't backing down. I turned from his smirk, casting my eyes around the room before beginning to turn it upside down in search for it.

I was losing all hope as I got to the couch cushions, upturning them all desperately when a throat cleared.

"Looking for this?"

In his hand, he held my rucksack nonchalantly, as if I hadn't been looking for it this whole time. He tossed it towards me and as I dove to catch it I stupidly landed on my bad leg, sprawling ungracefully on the floor.

I ignored at his widening smirk, obviously finding my pain humourous but instead huriedly zipped open the bag, relief flooding in when I found everything still in there.

"What's with all the drugs?" My heart dropped. He couldn't know. No-one could.

"You looked through my bag." I accused. All I got was an unemotional stare as if to say 'duh'. "Did no-one ever tell you it was rude to look through a girls bag?"

"My mistake, I thought that only applied to before the apocalypse," he threw back sarcastically.

I scoffed, "Well, it's none of your business, anyway." I made to get up, wanting to leave now that I had my backpack and forget all about this leather-jacket-wearing ass. Getting up was embarrassing enough with my ankle, basically having to hop towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

Did he ever stop? "None of your business."

"You won't get far on that ankle."

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