Rain- Part two.

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Lucius Black POV

Wow I guess I found my Little red bird.

I watch my screen as I see her walking behind Samantha looking around looking like a five year old who just walked into an amusement park.

By looking at her you wouldn't see that she is a business woman especially now with her hair sticking to her flushed cheeks and her pencil black skirt and white shirt wet while shivering even beneath that black heavy looking coat.

I wonder how she would look without all those clothes covering her laying on my bed..mmm

What am I thinking this woman who is here for an interview is driving me insane even thou she is not in the same room as me yet,and I am already fantasizing her naked on my bed.
I think Luc was right when you haven't had sex in a long time you get turned on my any woman.

I look back just in time to see my other PA Bella arguing with Samantha while Selena just keeps looking at them with an amused expression and I hear Bella talking about Samantha's heels and says something about being a good impression for Selena.

Wow she got that aura where people around just want to protect her.

Remembering from what the other girl that came for the interview did before. Even thou they did not know each other and that girl seemed nervous at first but grew on Selena and defended her.

She got the charm.

I wake up and pour myself some bon bon and walk to the big window with London's breath taking view and wait for a nock which comes

"Knock!" Now.

"Come in." I say.

I hear some muffled voices behind and assume that they are arguing and hear the door bang reminding me of my horrible migraine.

I wait for a few second because I know she is rethinking about me liking black from all the black in the corridors and my office that wood grey and grey, and she is also admiring my furniture.

I say all this because I can see her reflection through the glass and she is so simple to read.
Now she is realising who I am.

Well weather you turn me on before I even touch you or before we are even in the same room I love my furniture more than anything because it picked by me only.

"Do you know that breaking that door can cost you your life." I say and turn around.

She looks at me and I know she is going to say something by the look on her face tells that she has a nickname for me and I don't think and say the name I got for her.

"Little red bird."

"Mr Rude?" We say in unison.

Wow I did not think I gave her that first impression but rethinking about our first meeting I did kinda of give that impression.


Selena's POV

My heart skip a beat and my cheeks turn red about the fact that he gave me a nickname.

We both stand there staring at each other for what seems like a year and everything seem to stop and I stop shivering, before he breaks the silent.

"Do you know?" He repeats making me feel all my emotions suddenly come back and the shivering feels worse.

"Y-you gave m-me a nick-knam-me." I say my teeth betraying me.

"You have been thinking about me." He states clearly ignoring my statement.

"A-an-nd w-what makes you s-say t-that?"

"You have fifteen minutes to win my interest." He ignores me again, and he walk and sit on his chair.

Well fine if he wants to play smart, I will play smart. But there is something that my eyes can't move away from...his sandwich!!!

I stand there drooling at it not caring of the fact that he is looking at me.

"Do you need sometime to get ready?" He teases me

"I should be a-asking yo-ou tha-at." I say placing my bags on the other chair.

"And why is that?" He raise his left eyebrow and tilt his head to the left.

"Beca-ause I can see u still have your lun-nch on your de-esk." I point at his sandwich.

"I don't see why my lunch is a problem." He wakes up and around his desk and stand behind me, and I don't move. "Unless you want it."

"N-no...why w-would I wan-nt y-your lunch?" As if on cue my stomach growl.

Great just great.


I am sorry this chapter is kinda of boring I will try more in the upcoming ones.

Don't forget to

And spread the love√

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